I totally get it

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Her eyes frantically aimed for the ground when our eyes locked for just a second 

Her cheeks flushed a lipstick red the second she was questioned 

She didn't stick around, she scampering once she saw her shot to escape

I think she said hello, but it's difficult to say

her words where always whispered 

The words that she spoke so carefully filtered 

Some would see this as rude, I will admit 

But she was puppeted by her illness, I totally get it 

He told me he was skint, and couldn't even afford to buy his food 

He sketchily begged for help, his pills unpaid he was screwed! 

His bones protruded through his skin, his words truth not lies

Despite truth he told it twisted, WOLF he cried 

I gave him some money to pay his bills and to make his life clean 

Only the next day to see him jumped on codeine and wasting pound coins on a gambling machine 

I'll had to hold my breath yes, and my teeth I did grit 

But addiction is difficult to beat, I totally get it 

She flaunted her thighs in her short revealing denim dress 

I was roped in by her alluring eyes, the art of seduction she possessed 

She told me exactly what I wanted, sold me dreams of long-term 

We went back to mine, she pinned me down to the bed, she was firm 

I woke up in the morning to a chilled empty bed 

To only a note saying she had fun but long-term is something I would regret 

It was soul-crushing to felt so tricked and used 

But her witchery was performed because she had been abused

Not being able to show her real love is something I regret 

But she was scared of love, so I totally get it 

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