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As I look back to the moment I titled this collection of poetry an organised mess 

I wander if I subconsciously manifested just that 

I titled this collection an organised mess 

because it represented everything I believe in 

I was once stardust

Just numerous small particles roaming aimlessly through an infinite galaxy

Yet here I am, whole and breathing 

Consciously taking step after step, breath after breath 

An organised mess is what I believe life is, 

and once again life has proven to me that maybe I was right about something 

But then I'm starting not to believe in right either,

Because no matter what plans we set in stone for ourselves,

Sometimes life has other plans for us

Sometimes life will shake our stone until it cracks and is left in devastation,  

And we have to stitch back together the cracks.

It never looks the same once we stitch it back together, 

Over and over again.

Every time,  it's structure, it's outside exterior, the way it gets through each day,

It changes every single time.

Just like how as once small star dusts we evolved to what we are now 

Everyday, we evolve more and more, and I wander what I will become next 

Who will I become next? 

I look back to the last poem I wrote in this collection  

and I remember at the moment I was feeling strong, 

I felt as though I was starting to figure it out, 

but what I have noticed is, 

every single time I start to feel strong and I start to feel like I have figured everything out, 

Life proves to me I will not ever figure everything out.

It throws a hit at me, 

it breaks up my stardust into a thousand pieces

and somehow, 

I have to bring my stardust back together again, 

I wander sometimes how many parts of me have been left behind 

as I put myself back together, 

and if, 

Life intentionally broke me down, 

not only to leave behind the parts of myself that were no longer needed, 

but to magnetize new bits of star-dust,

to put together a brighter, shinier version of myself, 

and no matter how unfair I think this organised mess of a life is, 

I have always wanted to shine bright in the sky, 

and I will keep overcoming these obstacles, 

I will keep evolving and growing, 

until I am exactly the star I am destined to be. 

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