The broken ones

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The broken ones...

Do you know them?

Everybody knows at least one

Do you see them? 

The tear stains left behind on their cheek from the night before

Do you feel it? 

The invisible and silent weight they carry

with zero mass. 

The ones who help bring the attention to the centre 

The ones who applaud everybody but themselves 

The ones who hide to allow the others to seek 

Do you know them? 

The one who enjoys everybody's smile but their own 

The one who walks with their head down, their eyes following their thoughts

their thoughts leading them down 

Do you see them? 

The ones who laugh at their upsets because laughing keeps them sane 

The ones who do make-up trials daily testing which mask makes them look most ok 

The ones who carry so much weight yet barely eat 

Do you feel it?

The ones who wave people goodbye as their beloved goes to chase their dreams 

Do you know them?

The ones who smile until they walk through there bedroom door 

Do you see them? 

The ones who wait and hope for the day that they feel broken no more 

Do you feel it? 

We are the broken ones. 

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