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"Welcome back," I said to Leon as he walked through the front door.

"It's good to be back, trust me." He winked. "I take it everything went along smoothly while I was gone?"

My stomach flopped. "Yeah, all good." I hated lying to him, but the boys made me promise not to tell him. Apparently, he doesn't handle this type of thing very well.

"Wonderful." Leon smiled as he hung up his jacket on the coat rack by the door. "Are you ready to go home tomorrow?"

"Ummmm, yeah." I nodded and saw Jake appear from upstairs as he walked down towards us.

"Jacob," Leon said slowly as he watched Jake walk towards us. "Everything is good, yes?"

Jake cleared his throat. "Of course, boss. I take it your trip went well?"

"Not really, but I'm satisfied with the outcome." Leon's eyes darted between the two of us. "What is going on?"

"Nothing," I said way too quickly.

Leon glared at me.

"She's right, boss. It's been completely normal and boring around here. I'm glad your back, though, as now I can finally have my life back instead of babysitting this thing." Jake walked towards the door. "I'm out till tomorrow. Have a great evening, everyone." He yelled as he slammed the door behind him.

"Ebony, do you have something to tell me?" Leon crossed his arms over his broad chest. "What is going on? You are acting very strange?"

I'm so bad at lying. Think Ebony!

"Ebony?" He was becoming impatient with me now.

Shit! He knows. "Actually, Yes. There is something."

"Do tell." His voice was even deeper than usual.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight?" I bit my lip awkwardly.

He smiled slightly. "You want to have dinner?"

"Yep." I smiled sweetly. "I thought before we leave, we could go to dinner? Or stay in and have dinner if you are too tired."

He watched me for a moment before continuing. "I would like nothing more than to have dinner with you." His body relaxed at his words. "I'll just shower, and we can go."

"Great." Why am I so nervous?

He nodded as he walked towards the stairs.

"Leon," I called after him.

He turned around slowly.

"I'm glad you're finally back."

His aqua eyes sparkled at my words, and he gave me probably the most genuine smile I had ever seen. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Me too, Ebony." He ran his hand through his jet black hair as he sighed loudly. "I can honestly say that right now, I am the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. I have made many many mistakes, some that I regret deeply but this moment, this time with you is something I will never regret. I understand things more right now, and I won't mess this up as I have in the past." He paused again. "I look forward to our dinner." His handsome face softened as he looked at me with his sparkling eyes.

"You truly are a great guy, aren't you?" I blushed as he looked at me.

"No, not really, but I hope to change that." He suddenly turned and walked up the stairs.


"You can't tell him about it," Callan said as he pulled me outside.

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