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"Hello?" I called quietly at the cave entrance. "Is anybody there?" My voice echoed down the cave.

"Hello, my child." A voice said from the darkness. "You look terrified. You have nothing to fear here." An elderly witch appeared in front of me. Her greying hair was tied up on top of her head, and her blue, almost white eyes were staring at me kindly. She was dressed in a black flowing cloak with a black belt and looked like she had walked out of some sci-fi show on TV.

"Hello, my name is Ebony." I held out my hand, and she looked at me strangely for a second before taking my hand in hers and gently shaking it. She closed her eyes and smiled gently to herself.

"My name is Joy. It's a pleasure to meet you finally." She opened her eyes, still smiling at me.

"It is?"

"Of course. We have heard great stories of your strength and power, little one. You were the chosen one for our angel many years ago, were you not?"

"Angel? Oh, you mean Ariel?" I smiled. "Do you know him?"

"Only in legend, I'm afraid. I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting him. I hear he is quite spectacular, though." Her eyes lit up at the thought of Ariel. She blushed instantly.

I smiled and held in my laugh. "He really is something." I nodded. "I haven't seen him in a while, though. I hope he's okay."

"As do I, little one. Now, come inside quickly. The creature told us to keep you safe, and we intend to keep our promise."

"His name is Carter."

She just nodded and gestured for me to follow her into the cave. I didn't argue with her; I just followed her into the cave, trying to remember that I needed to breathe. I hated being alone without someone close to me. I could feel the anxiety rising in my stomach as I took more steps toward the elderly witch.

I heard the sound of many voices echoing down the cave as we approached the fire deep inside the cave. I could just make out some of the words from the witches.

"She lives with the dark creatures." Said one.

"Filthy objects, those creatures. They should all burn for what they have done." Said another.

"What creature is she?" Said another.

My stomach churned as we finally reached the coven. They were all sitting around a fire deep in the cave. There must have been close to a hundred of them scattered around the huge cave. I felt every single one of their eyes on me as they watched me walk toward them. I just wanted to run away really fast and never turn back as each of them silently judged me. Some had fear in their eyes, some had anger, and some were just purely disgusted at my presence in their cave.

"Listen, everyone." The elderly witch said quite loudly. "I understand that some of you are feeling quite frustrated and nervous about this whole situation, but I need you to listen." The cave fell quiet as they all looked at her. "This is Ebony. She is here for protection from the darkness that now threatens our world. She is here for our help...."

"She lives with the creatures that killed our sisters." A witch at the back yelled out. "She is not our kin and never will be."

"She is human, and she is the chosen one. The stories you have heard about the human girl and the angel, well, this is our chosen one."

I watched as their eyes were on me again with absolute wonder. Some dropped to their knees and bowed to me, and others just stared at me in disbelief.

"How is that possible? Those stories are years old, but this human looks like a child?" A witch said, crossing her arms over her chest.

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