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I stood at the open window of the house library and watched as the moonlight lit up the front yard like a spotlight. The midnight jasmine was blooming, and I could smell its sweet scent in the air. I sighed as I remembered Ebony complaining about the smell of Jasmine at night, she hated the smell of it as it reminded her of her childhood, the childhood that I had stolen from her. I felt my stomach churn as I thought about Ebony being in pain or crying because of what I let happen. I know she can hear me when I talk to her. I know she hears my call because I feel her, it's very faint, and if I weren't concentrating on looking for her response then I wouldn't notice at all but the fact that I know she can hear me but doesn't respond worries me a lot. There are many reasons as to why this might be happening, but my instinct is telling me it's one of two things; she is dying or dead and can not or she just doesn't want to respond to me, and that concerns me greatly.

"Boo." I heard a voice in my ear as I was deep in thought. I turned slowly to see the grinning face of the devil who decided to look like Jack Skellington from that Christmas movie Callan loved when he was younger. "Awww, you didn't jump." He pouted Ponting a bony finger at my nose. "Boop."

"Knock it off. I heard you before you even spoke," I growled, looking back out of the window. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't a guy just visit another guy without an ulterior motive?" He said, making a face at me.

"Probably yes, but not you." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"You got me, big guy." He punched my arm. "There's no getting past that vampire instinct is there?" He playfully hit my arm again. "Ouch, someone has been working out lately." He squeezed my biceps.

"I like to hit things...sue me." I glared at the devil. "What do you want?"

"It's not what I want, my friend; it's what you want from me." He smiled at me and raised his eyebrow sharply.

"You found her?"

"Of course, I did." He scoffed. "Like it was a challenge."

"So where is she?"

"This is where it gets tricky. You see, your little lover girl is in the world that was created before...well everything. The world my father first created for humankind and the world I crash-landed on when I got the 'old heave-ho' from daddy dearest up there and trust me the first world my father created was shit! I mean Shitter than shit. There was nothing but barren land and darkness. No sun around making everyone tanned and beautiful, just night all the time. Talk about depressing, right?" He rolled his eyes. "The stories I could tell you..."

"Don't bother."

"Cool, another time then. So, this world was so bad that my father locked it away from time and space and tried again...and failed the second time he created earth...and the third and the fourth..."

"Seriously?" I growled at him.

"You get the point anyway. So this world is locked up watertight like a frog's ass. There is no way in and no way out, or so I thought...."

"Can you get me in?"

"Well, technically no, but yes..."

"I'm losing my patience again."

"Look, the darkness took Ebony's essence, right? Her body was left here in this world with the witches sooooo..."

"I'm not following."

"Typical. You got the looks, and your brother obviously got the brains." He rolled his eyes. "Your body can not go through the portal dumb ass! We need to suck out all that Carter goodness and shove it through the portal like water down a drainpipe. When you get to the world, you can enter anybody you want but to get through the portal, you go completely fleshless."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means that you will have to convince your lady love to come back to this realm and quickly. I can only keep the channel open for a short period, and if it closes again, there is no guarantee that you will survive there. So you have minimal time to get her out."

"And how exactly do I do that with no physical body?"

"Well friend, that's entirely your problem, isn't it? My deal with you was to find her and get you to her, and the rest is up to you." He smiled as his eyes flashed blood red. "But if you fail, our deal still stands." I felt the mark of the devil on my chest burn at his words. "Do you understand that?" I felt pain in my chest spread like a fire through my body, and I hunched over as I tried not to yell. I wasn't going to give home the satisfaction of my pain. Not again.

"Yes. The deal is still on." I groaned softly.

"Wonderful." He smiled, and with a click of his fingers, the pain was gone. "Well, I have good news for you then. The portal will appear in twenty-four hours right here. I will return to work my magic and keep the portal open for your much-anticipated return. If you fail to return in the time allocated, then you will be sealed in that world until your death. How exciting! Everyone loves a good cliffhanger don't they?" He smiled at me as he clapped his hands. "Will the cranky vampire survive? Will he find his human and live happily ever after? Stay tuned to find out."

I shook my head and turned away as I rolled my eyes at him.

"That's the spirit. Team Carter, yeah!" He danced around. "Oh, one more thing. You can bring one other with you if you choose. Only one though but if you do decide to take another, then they are your responsibility. You need to make sure they return to the portal with you. I take no responsibility for what happens to them and chances are they won't make it." He gave me two thumbs up.

"I'll go." I heard Jacobs's voice behind me. "I want to help boss. She's my friend, and she needs me. I want to help." I turned to see Jacob walking slowly towards me.

"No, it's far too dangerous." I shook my head.

"It's my life, and I can end it anyway I choose. I want to get Ebony back home. I need to do this."

"What a beautiful man." The devil clapped slowly. "Now that is loyalty till the end. It sickens me terribly, but it's beautiful." He pretended to wipe a tear. "Well, I best be off. Killing and punishment to be done. I will return in twenty-four hours, so be ready." And with a click of his finger, the devil was gone.

"Jacob, I appreciate what you are doing, and I know you love her but..."

"But nothing. I'm going. End of story." He shook his head. "I'm not asking you anymore, I'm telling you. I'm going with you."

"I wish you would reconsider," I said calmly.

"I'll see you here tomorrow night," Jacob said, cutting me off and walking towards the door.


He stopped and turned his head back to me.

"Thank you."

"Anytime." He bowed his head and then walked out of the room.

I sighed as I sat in the chair next to the window. "Ebony, please. Please let me know if you are alright. We are coming for you baby, and I need you to be ready. I need you on board with this because we don't have much time. Please, let me know that you are there..." I waited for a response from her as I called for her again. I begged her to reach out to me and tell me that she was alright. I told her she was coming home, and everything would be okay. I waited for her to respond to me. "Sunshine please...."

"Sunshine..." I heard her whisper in my head. "Always be your sunshine..."

I jumped up out of the chair. "Ebony?" I called to her. "Baby, are you okay?"

"You will always be my Sunshine...." her voice sounded weak and distant. "Will you be our sunshine?"

"Ebony? I can't quite understand what you're saying? Where are you..."

"We need sunshine now more than ever...We need....." her voice trailed off into nothing.

"Ebony? Baby, where did you go? What do you need? Who are we?" I called to her, but she was gone. I couldn't feel her anymore as I stood there in the moonlight trying to reach her again. She was gone.

"I'm coming for you baby; please be ready," I begged her, but there was nothing. She was gone again, and I had no idea what she was saying. "Ebony, who are we? Who is there with you?"


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