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"Don't take another step," I ordered this thing standing in front of me trying to impersonate my wife. "What are you? And be warned I'm not in the mood the fuck around."

"What do you mean? Baby, it's me." The creature in front of me said softly as it flicked its perfect hair behind its shoulders and pouted at me. "Don't you want me?"

"Where is she?" I growled loudly clenching my fists. Everyone in the room froze as I watched this creature in front of me trying to stare me down, waiting for me to show a sign of weakness that it could attack. I could see right through its bullshit though. Whatever this was, it had done a perfect job of recreating my beautiful wife. It has perfected every inch of her body in that skin-tight red dress, right down the faint freckles that were on her nose but I knew it wasn't her. It was nothing like her. There was no light around her, and her eyes didn't twinkle at me like my Ebony did and it smelled different. This thing was not my wife.

"Carter, maybe we should all sit down and figure this out?" Leon said calmly walking in front of me. "Don't do anything stupid here, brother." He said softly giving me a stern look. "We don't want to do something now we might regret later."

"I regret nothing and I'm not talking to this creature until it tells me WHERE THE FUCK MY WIFE IS!" I bellowed pushing my brother out of the way. "It dares to put on her face and mock me like I'm some kind of idiot."

"Carter, you need to calm down," Leon said calmly. "This isn't going to help us if you kill it. We need all the information we can get."

"Get out of my way," I growled through my teeth at my brother. "I don't want to hurt you."

"This is getting us nowhere," Leon said shaking his head. "Why are you doing this?" He turned to the creature. "What is the point of this? Who sent you?"

The creature smiled. "I don't know what you are talking about. I just want to go home with my husband." She blew Carter a kiss. "You scaring me though." She pouted her lips.

"What are you?" Leon said standing in between myself and this creature.

Tell me, or you die right now." I took a step towards this thing with my fist in its face. "Where is she?" Leon held me back and shook his head. "Move brother."

"Fine, just remember we need to listen before we kill." Leon took a step to the side. "That's all I'm saying."

"I am listening," I mumbled not taking my eyes off the creature.

"Baby, come on. You know it's me. You just need to..." I stopped it from talking by wrapping my fingers around its perfect neck and squeezing hard. I heard it gasp for air as it clawed at my hand.

"Now," I growled in its face as it tried to pull my hand away. "What the fuck are you?"

"It's me, Ebony." It gasped still trying to convince me. "Baby, stop."

I squeezed it harder almost crushing its neck.

"I'm a shifter." It gasped in complete panic. "Be cool, man."

"What are you doing here?"

"I was sent here." The creature said almost breathless under my grip. "To seduce you and kill you if you don't comply. Don't think I won't...."

"Great plan. Well done. Very convincing." Callan said sarcastically and slow clapped behind me. "How stupid are you? Do you even know who this vampire is?" Callan pointed at me. "Do you have a death wish or something?"

"Who sent you?" I said through gritted teeth.

"The darkness." It gasped as I pulled it towards me. "It had a message for you in case you couldn't be killed.."

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