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EBONY (creature) POV

I sat on the stairs watching the front door. It had now been not three, not four but five nights since Carter was taken by the vampire council and even the others were starting to worry. Leon has been with me a lot trying to keep me calm, and Jacob has been telling me jokes that make no sense, but I enjoy seeing him laugh. I was connecting with these vampires in a way I didn't think was possible but they have each proven to me they are loyal and that I will never forget.

"Cayden is fast asleep," Leon said, sitting next to me on the top stair of the big staircase as I watched the front door like I always did. "You need to rest Ebony."

"No, I'm fine but thank you." I looked over at him and gave him a slight smile to reassure him of my words. It did not work.

"You haven't slept, you haven't eaten, and I'm becoming very concerned about you. You need to look after yourself sweetheart as we could be attacked at any moment..."

"I am fine, and I am ready to fight when the time comes." I looked back at the door.

"How are the training sessions with Callan going?"

"Very good." I had been training with Callan every night since Carter left. He taught me basic fight moves, to begin with, but I had started to surpass his training as my memory of my powers is starting to heal.

"I saw you broke his arm last night." Leon laughed.

"I didn't mean to, but he said give me everything you have and I held back, but unfortunately, he was injured."

"It was the highlight of this week when I had to reset his arm. Little bastard screamed like a two-year-old who dropped its ice cream." He once again laughed and shook his head. "Serves him right for being so damn cocky all the time."

"I will definitely hold back more next time."

Leon laughed a little louder at my words. "No, please don't. It's the only amusement I have in this house at the moment." He nudged me with his arm. "Carter will return when he is ready. The council assured me he was released two nights ago, so we just have to wait until he is ready to come home."

"It's my fault. It's all my fault. He was hurt because I am a disgusting creature of the darkness. If I had left before when..."

"When Cayden screamed the house down and nearly killed us with his powers? Yeah, if you had left that night, we would all be dead." He turned his massive frame to me, and I felt tiny sitting next to him. "I understand what you are going through right now more than anyone. The darkness changes something inside you and makes you feel different, dirty and like you don't deserve to live without it. When the darkness left me, I remember feeling so sorry for myself that I tried more than once to kill myself. I felt the burden of guilt on my shoulders for all the pain that I inflicted on the innocent and the people I love....and even Jake." He smiled shrugging his broad shoulders. "If you knew even half of what I inflected on Carter over the years..." he sighed loudly and rubbed his temples with his fingers. "What I'm trying to say here is, you are not alone. I know you have to fight the demons in your head and try to deal with the memories that haunt you, but I want you to remember that none of us blame you for what happened, especially not Carter. He holds none of this against you. The only one who thinks this is you." He put his hand on my shoulder as I looked up at him. "Don't be your own worse nightmare. It will be your undoing, and it will eventually get you killed. You have a second chance here, don't let it go because you are afraid of who you are. This is your chance to make a difference and show the entire universe that you will kick its ass if it fucks with you. That's who you are."

"Wow, you're really good with words," I said, not taking my eyes off him.

"I'm better at other things but thank you. I'll take it." He smiled. "Now, you need to eat. What do you feel like?"

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