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"Wow," Leon said as he held his nephew in his arms. "I don't even know what to say right now but, wow." He tickled the baby's tiny toes.

"She's gone?" Jacob said falling into a chair. "She can't be gone, boss. I won't accept that. It's Ebony. She can't be gone." I could see the anger on his face as hit the chair arm. "No!"

"Jacob, I think you should talk to her," I said touching his shoulder. "She's still with us."

"That thing is not my Ebony. I will not accept this bullshit! We find the darkness and get my girl back and kill everything that gets in our way. Why are you just standing here when that thing in there should be dead. That's not Ebony." Jacob stood up and punched a hole in the library wall with his fist. "This is bullshit!" He yelled loudly.

"I know you are confused as am I but I need you to trust me. I need you to know that this creature is Ebony. That is our girl and she is scared and needs our help. If you want to get Ebony back then you need to talk to her. Help her. That creature saved my baby's life....your godson's life Jacob. If we are going to defeat this evil we need that creature to be willing to fight with us and right now she is scared of her own shadow. Ebony is still here with us and she needs us to be strong. I need you to be okay with this." I walked over to him and grabbed his shoulders. "Go and talk to her. Listen to her story. Let her know that you are still there for her. We have to protect whatever is left of Ebony with everything we have. Please, just give her a chance."

"I can't. I miss my friend Carter. That creature looked at me like I was a monster. I saw the fear in her eyes when I touched her. That's not Ebony."

"Jacob, she accepted you when you were brought back to life with open arms. She knew you were different and trusted you even though you didn't have his memories. I need you to do the same for her. She needs you now more than ever." I watched as his face dropped at the memory of Ebony embracing him with a hug when he was brought into our timeline. He closed his eyes and nodded. "Thank you, my boy."

"Can I be excused for a moment please, I need some fresh air." He sighed and walked out of the room without another word.

"The boys got a point, Carter. If this creature was created by pure evil then how do we know we can trust her?" Leon said rocking the body side to side gently as the baby slept soundly.

"Look at him Leon, look at how peaceful he is." I touched my son's face with my finger. "He was made out of love and my wife died to protect him. That creature gave him life and brought him here to me..to us. I have to believe that inside that creature is some good...some of Ebony is in there and made her decision to find me. I need her here Leon or I might lose my mind completely. She is all I have left of her now."

"I understand that brother, I do but just keep yourself alert around her. That's all I ask. If she is truly no threat then you have nothing to worry about. I'm just an old vampire who trusts no one but his own blood and if you tell me to back off then I will." Leon looked down at the baby. "You have my word."

"Thank you. I promise you I will get the answers we all need. I just need time right now to morn my wife." I closed my eyes. "I need a fucking drink." I groaned loudly.

"Language around my brother please," Callan said entering the room with a bottle of blood. "Let him at least make it to the walking stage before he swears like a sailor." He took the baby from Leon's arms and sat in the chair as he feed him a bottle. "I'll look after you...What is his name anyway?"

"Ummmm, I don't know? I never actually thought about it." I ran my fingers through my hair awkwardly. "I guess I should ask Ebony what she wants. That feels strange calling her that."

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