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"How are you doing beautiful?" Jake winked at a pretty blonde witch as he entered the cave. I could tell she really wanted to be horrified at his presence but no girl can resist Jake's gorgeous charm, she blushed like a schoolgirl and smiled softly as she looked away. "I won't hurt you, baby.." He winked as she looked back at him. "Not until you tell me too." She gasped at his words but I saw a smile as she covered her face with her hand.

"Stop it, you are going to scare her. She is not used to males let alone cute vampire males." I hit Jake on the arm.

"I bet she's a virgin too." His blue eyes twinkled as she looked over her shoulder at him. "God damn." He locked eyes with a pretty brunette in the corner and pressed his lips together. "Hold me back Eb, I need you right now."

"Oh my goodness, what the hell is wrong with you?" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be all judgemental and shit. If you had a dick you would be acting like this as well." He snapped back.

"Really? Callan seems to be controlling himself just fine." I said in Jake's face. We watched as Callan spoke with the witch elder and then walked towards us.

"Wait for it..." Jake said smugly.

"You are an animal. Not all males think like you." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Just wait.."

"Not every male is as perverted as...."

"Dude, this place is like a smorgasbord of perfect ass," Callan said quietly to Jake. "I just want to try them all." He laughed as they gave each other a high five. "Where do I even start? Oh, dibs on the redhead." Callan smiled waving a curvy girl smiling at him.

Jake looked over at me smugly. "I believe you owe me an apology."

"Get bent." I shoved him backward as he laughed and walked over to Leon who standing by himself at the back of the cave. He was leaning on the wall and avoiding any eye contact with anyone as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Hey, you," I said nudging him slightly. "You okay back here?"

His dark eyes met with mine as he shrugged. "Honestly, I kind of feel like I want to run away from here. I don't really like confined places."

"You want to get some air?"

He nodded without hesitation and followed me as we walked towards the exit. The sudden cold air on my skin as we walked outside made me realize just how hot that cave was. I took a big breath of fresh air and closed my eyes as my body relaxed.

"Ebony, I don't think I can do this," Leon said next to me. "I'm not Carter, and I can't be all diplomatic about this shit. We need to capture the darkness with or without the help of these witches. If they refuse then we make them listen. I don't understand why we are even talking to them."

"I know it's frustrating but Carter knows what he is doing. He just doesn't want any more enemies and he is trying to do the right thing for Henry."

"He's just so different from what I remember. He was never told no and if he was he just took it anyway. I mean he was never one to negotiate on anything. He just took whatever he wanted and no one ever questioned him and now it's almost like he's a different vampire. I mean I tried to play along and be friendly with everyone but we are wasting time here." He was getting frustrated. "I should be out there tracking it down and not feeling uncomfortable because some female said she wants to kiss me all over and devour me." He stopped talking and looked at me uncomfortably as he ran his hand through his dark hair. "Sorry, I just feel like...."

"Wait, some girl in there said she wants to devour you?" I tried not to laugh. "Which one?"

"It doesn't matter, what matters here is that we are wasting time negotiating with these females when I could be tracking it down."

Midnight CEO. To hell and back.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant