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"Callan." I knocked on his bedroom door. "Callan, are you there?"

I heard a mumble and then the sound of feet walking towards the door. The door swung open, and there stood Callan dressed in a pair of blue boxes as he fixed his messy dark hair. "Ebony? Is everything okay?" He yawned scratching his head.

"Am I interrupting something?" I saw a figure run from his bed to his bathroom.

"Nope, all done." He grinned proudly. "What can I do for you?"

"You can get dressed and meet me in the pool house." I turned away from him and headed towards Jake's room.

"Will do." Callan called as he closed his door.

"Jake." I knocked, and the door swung open.

"Did he touch you?" Jake said, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "Did he threaten you? You can tell me, Eb." I missed having my Jake around.

"No, he didn't, but you need to come to the pool house with me. I need to talk to you guys about a little problem we have."

Jake pulled back from me and raised his eyebrow sharply.

"No, nothing happened." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I'll walk with you then." He pulled his jacket on and closed his door as we headed down the stairs. "Where is Leon?"

"He said he had a meeting to attend in his office. Come on quickly, before he hears us." We ran down the stairs and towards the back door.

"Guys, wait up," Callan called as he ran towards us now wearing clothes.

"That was quick? Where is your friend?" I smiled sweetly at him.

"Anywhere but here." He winked proudly. "Hey man, when did Bonnie leave?" He punched Jake in the arm hard. "You guys have fun? She was cute."

I turned to Jake, who just gave me a big smile and ran his hand through his blonde hair.

"Great. That's just great. So I'm the only one around here not getting laid, right? Typical." I turned towards the door and walked through it as I grumbled about sex.

"Eb, come on. It's just a little fun." Jake said at my side.

I sighed. "I know. I just...You know what it doesn't matter. I'm just glad to have you back." I hugged him tightly as he wrapped his arms around me and picked me off the ground. "I just missed you so much."

"I'm not going anywhere. I never do. Trust me." He said in my ear.

"You promise."

"Always." He squeezed me so tight that my back cracked under his arms. "Sorry, forgot you're human. It's hard to keep track sometimes."

"Guys, shhh. Listen." Callan said next to us as he pointed towards two figures standing in the garden talking. They were yelling loudly at each other, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Come on," Callan called, moving closer to them. We reluctantly followed as we hid behind some huge potted plants.

"What do you mean you're not going to kill her? What the hell is going on, Leon?" Genevieve screamed at Leon.

"I mean, I'm done with it. I can't do this shit anymore. I'm not the monster I once was, and I refuse to do this." Leon yelled in her face. "It's over. I'm shutting this down as of tomorrow."

Genevieve just laughed. "You think if you shut this world down, then that little human whore you are obsessed with will like you? Once she finds out what you have done to her, she will kill you, Leon, and if she doesn't, Carter will. This is ridiculous. Just kill her now and take a break from this world. We can go home and just rest up like we used too all those years ago. Leon, come on. Don't don't fall for her bullshit. She destroyed Carter, and she will destroy you."

"I think it's time our little arrangement ended," Leon growled.

"You wouldn't dare. After everything I've done for you and everything I sacrificed for you, you would just kill me because of that pathetic human? She took my husband, she took my son and now she is taking you?" Genevieve slapped Leon across the face. "Get a hold of yourself."

"Oh no, she didn't." Jake gasped in my ear as Leon stood completely still just staring straight ahead. He didn't move a muscle as he watched a now petrified looking Genevieve in front of him.

"Leon, forgive me. I don't know what just came over me. Please have mercy." She dropped to her knees as she pleaded to him. "Forgive me."

"You need to leave this world before I lose my temper. I gave you protection from your enemies Genevieve, I gave you a second chance with your son in this world, but you were too selfish to take it. He's a good kid, and that is by no thanks to you. I told you to protect him. I told you to leave this world for his protection against the darkness, but you refused. You know what will happen if the darkness discovers him? His blood will will be on your hands. You are playing a very dangerous game with your son's life and trust me when I say you will lose."

"Lose?" Genevieve cried. "You will no longer protect me from the vampire council? The witches? The darkness?"

Leon smiled as he patted her head. "You have only one thing to fear. The very same thing I fear most in this world."

"What is that?" She sobbed at his feet.

"Carter, of course. When my brother finds his way out of that prison cell and walks the earth again, he will have nothing but vengeance on his mind for those that have wronged him. I am ready to be judged for my wrongdoings, are you?"

"Leon, don't do this. We could have everything like we used too. Why are you doing this?"

He smiled softly as he pulled her face up towards him gently. "You just don't get it, do you? We never had anything. You had the darkness, but you never had me. I have always despised you. The only good thing you ever did was birth that boy of yours, and it makes me sick to think that you would rather protect your ass than his. You are no mother to that boy, and he deserves better. I'm giving you a head start, and I suggest you run fast."

"Leon, please. I will do anything you ask of me...."


"I have been nothing but loyal to you.."


"Fine." Genevieve stood up. "You are weak without the darkness, and you know it. You are going to end up dead, and when you do, I will dance on your grave. Watch yourself out there Leon, you have far worse enemies than me, and I will make sure they all know of your deception here tonight. Watch yourself."

Three." Leon lunged at Genevieve, but she ran out of sight so quickly if I had blinked an eye I would have missed it.

"Holy smokes Batman. What the fuck is going on?" Callan whispered.

"Apparently, your big bad uncle loves you." Jake blew Callan a kiss. "Awww, I'm gonna cry, man."

Callan hit Jake across the back of the head.

"Shhhh, he will hear you," I whispered at them.

I looked back at Leon, who was just standing still. He looked so sad and defeated as the moonlight lit up his handsome face. I had never seen him look so alone and lost before.

"What do we do now? Is he good? Is he just playing us? I'm confused." Jake whispered in my ear. "Do we kill him?"

I kept staring at Leon, awaiting his next move. To be honest, I actually had no idea what to do.

"I think we should get the fuck out of here before he realizes we are here." Callan gestured towards the house.

"Maybe you are right," I whispered. "I just feel like something is...."

"Why don't the three of you come out from behind those plants already." Leon turned to look straight us. "I think it's time we had a conversation about all this. Don't you?"

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