Going on an adventure

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She manages to beat both Jon and Robb while duel wielding swords and jumps up and down in her victory.

"You don't half like to rub it in Liz" Robb says and she smirks.

"Well done elizabeth, you are truly gifted" ser Rodrick says. "And we'll done Jon, you have improved a lot in your defensive side. You still need to make sure your shield is raised high" he tells Robb.

"Can I go against Liz?" Bran asks.

"If the both of us couldn't beat her you won't be able to" Robb tells him and messes up Brans hair.

"Of course you can go against me, I'll go easy on you and I'll only use one sword" Liz says with a smile, she hands her other sword to bran and waits for him to get ready. Up on the walkway out of the corner of her eye she sees lady Catelyn holding newborn rickon in her arms. True to her word she goes easy on bran and only hits him five times. Bran never hits her of course. The fighting goes on until bran sits down on the ground, completely exhausted. "You alright?" Liz asks as bran pets sylvestor. The dragons had gotten bigger in the two weeks but we're still small.

To be completely honest elizabeth had adapted quite well to living in westeros, she could now fight with a sword which in her opinion is awesome and she has three fire breathing dragons. She just kinda is beginning to think of it like that one time she went to the Gaeltacht a few summers ago only without the speaking Irish and the little shop across from the main hall that sold amazing chips that honestly had everyone convinced they were cooked by God himself.

"Liz, come here" Lord Eddard calls down and she puts back her sword before running up to the walkway where her father and lady Catelyn stand. "A letter came from robert. You've been summoned to kingslanding. He says he will legitimise you if you want. You are to bring your dragons" he says and liz's eyes widen in surprise.

"Kings landing, really? The King wants me to go to Kings landing to see my dragons? Just me?"

"Yes, just you" Eddard confirms, Catelyn is looking at Liz very sourly. "You will go tomorrow morning, I'll organise some guards to go with you." Elizabeth's mouth is still open in shock.

"Wow, wait, tomorrow? That's very soon, I'll have to start to pack now, and say goodbye to everyone. Does the letter say how long they want me in Kings landing?"

"It doesn't say. I'd reckon some lad will try to marry you"

"Oh. And what should I do? If I am legitimised that means I will be a stark so if they are from a biggish house I should probably say yes, right? To strengthen ties" her face falls

"It you don't love the man then don't marry him. Now, go and start packing" ned says and she goes to pack.


"What do you mean your going? You can't go! You promised me you'd help me finish sewing that flower!" Sansa exclaims while Liz is trying to neatly put all her things in a trunk.

"I have to go, it is a Kings command and I'll be back before you know it and we can spend days telling each other everything that happened," Liz replies.

"But nothing ever happens here! You'll get to meet the King and the queen and the prince, I want to go to Kings landing" she moans just as there is a nock on the door. Jon and Robb come in holding something that they have wrapped in a cloak. "What's that?"

"Nothing, you run along we want to say our goodbyes" Robb says and Sansa leaves reluctantly. They close the door after she has gone,

Elizabeth- a Jamie Lannister fanficWhere stories live. Discover now