Some time passes

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Over the next six months Vis gives birth to a little blond boy they call rhaegar but her and Jamie's marriage is on the edge. They constantly argue, their words cutting deeper than swords ever could. But always the silent arguments are the worst because they both know they should be saying something but they are too tired to say it. Then the next six months Vis is surrounded by people telling her how brilliant a ruler she is because one day she was on the throne, the next she gave birth and the next she was back at her duties but really the duties was just something to distract her mind from Jamie. She has found that duties and wine are the best distractions

For the first few years they always slept in the same bed in the same bedroom, finding the sound of their partner breathing reassuring and relaxing but now they rarely sleep together and when they're do Jamie goes back to his chambers after they are finished. She lets him touch her and be inside her because she knows she can still have another child but inside she screams and cries, begging him to leave her alone. Almost every night she cries or else she just sits there in bed emotionlessly trying to think about when his gentle touches turned rougher and his words got sharper.

Jamie has now made up his mind, their marriage is unsalvageable and it is best for him to just go back to casterly Rock even though he won't get to see Joanna and rhaegar because perhaps the distance is best.

"Jamie..." Vis begins, closing the door of his chamber behind her. He is shoving his clothes into his trunk.

"I don't want to talk to you" he says, his voice harsh. They stand in silence for a moment before he turns around to look her in the eyes. "Where did it go wrong?" He asks quietly.

"I don't know. Is this the end now? You live in casterly Rock and I live here. Not even trying to stand each other's company" she gasps and clamps her mouth shut with her hands to hold back a sob.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but there isn't any point trying anymore. Everything I do to try and make it work just causes you to hate me further!" Jamie says, tears coming to his eyes as well.

"I don't hate you, I have never hated you. You just irritate me sometimes, don't think I wanted this to work any more than you did!"

"I don't want to fight, not any more" Jamie looks not just at her eyes but now takes in the puffiness of her eyes and the paleness of her skin. He takes in the way that now they are in private her shoulders are slumped. The way her lips are turned into a permanent frown. Even her clothes have changed over the last year. They used to be more red and silver with a tiny bit of black but now there was barely any red to be seen and they were black with the tiniest bit of silver. Something tugs in his heart. He remembers when she used to smile everyday and her face would light up. The way she used to beg for him to be inside her and giggle whenever they did something naughty. Suddenly he kisses her and pushes her onto the bed.

"Jamie, Jamie!" Vis says, trying to push him off but soon the protests turn to moans. He angrily rips her clothes off and she rips his off, flinging them to the other side of the room. "Where did it all go wrong?" She asks/moans as he trails kisses around her body.

They spend the rest of the day in his bed talking and kissing and cracking jokes and crying. When they leave they both have a slight spring in their step that everyone notices and beforehand everyone thought the seven kingdoms were prospering to their fullest but with a happy queen it makes everything look at shade lighter and the sun shine stronger.
The next month goes quickly but it is full of laughs and smiles. Vis takes a few days off her queenly duties and let's tyrion take over so she can spend some time with Joanna, rhaegar, and Jamie. One day she doesn't leave her room at all but spends the day lazing around with Jamie. When those days are over she goes back to being a queen with more vigor than ever. It is at the end of that month Vis finds out she is three months pregnant already but chooses not to tell anyone. The month after that goes very slowly with morning sickness every morning.

One day yoren, a recruiter of the nightswatch, arrives and goes into her office.

"How may I help you?" Vis asks, putting down her quill.

"Your grace, the wildling army is approaching the wall. One hundred thousand of them and the wall need more men. I was wondering if I could clean out some of the scum from your dungeons" yoren says.

"Of course. A Raven arrived from a man names ser allister Thorne the other day and I've had the goldcloaks spread the word around flea bottom, saying that they will get a hot meal every night and warm clothes. About ten youngish lads have answered the call and then two middle aged men. I'll tell ser wendell, the Lord commander, to round them up and send them to you. Some others might sign up as well"

"Thank you your grace"

"My brother Jon is at the wall, do you know him?"

"Aye, benjens nephew. He went on a big ranging, probably should have arrived back at the wall by now. I don't know if you know but benjen is dead, his horse returned to the wall along with the dead bodies of the two rangers that went with him"

"Oh, that's.. Unfortunate. I'll make sure the men are ready by tomorrow morning"

"Thank you your grace" yoren says again and leaves. Two weeks later a Raven arrives from the wall and one arrives from winterfell. The one from the wall is from a man called ser allister Thorne asking for more aid against the wildlings and the Raven from winterfell says about how Eddard has called his banners to deal with the wildlings.

"I should go north. Perhaps get some of them to bend the knee" she thinks aloud after reading both of the scrolls.

"No, it's too dangerous and anyways, it would take to long to ride north with guards and supply's and everything" tyrion advises.

"I would only need one guard and it would take under a day to fly to the wall, perhaps I could stop at winterfell on the way"

"And what if you die!?" Jamie asks

"Then I die and all the free folk die with me. I'll be grand. Right that's decided, I'll leave tomorrow" she decides and everyone knows that no one can change her mind now.

That night Jamie tries to convince her when they are in private but it is to no avail so they make the best of the final night they will have together until she returns if she ever does. In the morning she eats a big breakfast and gets into warm clothes with chain mail and leather armour, over that she puts a blood red cloak with dragons embroidered all over it. Then she says goes bye to rhaegar in his crib and goodbye to Joanna.

"Pwomise you'll come bwack" Joanna says, sucking her thumb.

"I promise, I'll be back before you know it" Vis promises. Then after a long hug with Jamie she climbs on Gertrude and after a moment brienne climbs on too. They take off and make their way towards the north.

Hello I'm watching battle of the bastards and LOVING IT BECAUSE BOTB IS AMAZING. I'm trying to get my friends to watch got and I keep sending them pictures of the best bits (eg, Joffrey and Ramsey's deaths) but I think I'm just turning them off it

Also I've no idea at what age children learn to speak so yeah


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