Alive and Angry

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They build a funeral pyre just outside castle blacks courtyard, conveniently everyone didn't have to change into black mourning clothes because they already wear black. Her body is washed and then dressed in a plain black tunic and trousers before being carried out to her place on the pyre. Even though only a few days have gone by all of westeros knows that she is dead, probably most of essos too. Many lords and ladies are plotting ways to gain power at their queens sudden downfall while nearly all the common folk were in mourning. Over her short reign their lives had improved greatly.

Just before everyone who knew her says their little speeches a red rider comes up the kingsroad and leaps off their horse.

"I am melissandre, a red priestess from asshai. The Lord of light sent me to save azor ahai reborn" she says and everyone just stares at her. She rolls up her sleeves and gets to work. Ned tries to stop her but she explains that she is the person who brought back Vis. She tries her magic once, twice, thrice, four times and all to no avail so she steps back and admits to herself that perhaps visenya wasn't going to come back to life after all. "It hasn't worked" she says and then says some phrases in high valyrian.

"Her name was visenya of the House targaryen the 1st of Her Name, the unburnt, the reborn, the Queen of the Andals, rhoyner and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, and the mother of dragons. In her earlier years she was known as Elizabeth snow and Lizzy to those that knew her well. She was the first to make peace between the men of the nights watch, the free folk, and the northerners. She brought the realm to peace before winter and never stopped doing what she believed was right. May she rest in peace" Jon says and leaves gets the pyre of fire with his torch. He passes it to Lord Eddard who mumbles 'rest in peace' while lighting the pyre on fire. The torch is passed around until the torch returns to Jon.

Vis stirs and gasps for breath. Surrounded by flames and wood turning to ash she sits up, trying to figure out what is going on. She was dead, and now she isn't. After a moment she pushes herself to her feet and walks off the pyre with her clothes burning hot against her skin.

Everyone gasps when they see her and kneels. A lot of men shield their eyes to give her privacy but a few steal glances at her naked body. Vis keeps her chin up, shoulders back and hands by her side and she steps onto the cold ground and takes the White cloak brienne hands her, wrapping herself in it.

"Rise"she says and everyone stands up. "How long have I been dead?"

"Four days" Lord Eddard says, everyone is completely shocked that she is alive.

"Where are rhaenyra and catelyn?"

"In the Kings tower your grace, Gilly has been feeding them" Sam says.

"Thank you my lady" she says sincerely to Gilly. "And thank you my Lord for delivering them into the world. I'm cold" she decides and walks to the kings tower as quickly as possible so she can get dressed and see her two newborn girls.


"What do you mean you didn't tell me about this letter arriving over a week ago?" Vis fumes when she reads the letter that Jon hands to her. "The whole bloody country is rebelling against me and you decided I shouldn't know?"

"Well it isn't the whole country, only the ironborn, reachmen and daenerys" ned clarifies.

"Ugh. Why did I let that whore from highgarden live? And those soggy bastards they have the check to call ironborn. How could I have been so blind?" The letter is from tyrion and is written very quickly, it says that daenerys has married euron greyjoy and bought eight thousand unsullied that she released and they are advancing on kingslanding from dragonstone. The Lannister and targaryen armies are out battling the reachmen and Kings landing will inevitably fall.

Elizabeth- a Jamie Lannister fanficWhere stories live. Discover now