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That evening they land outside winterfell since Gertrude is now too big to land in either of the courtyard. Brienne climbs off first, still trying to pretend she wasn't terrified by the flying. Then visenya flys off and they begins to walk towards the gates. All of the guards kneel immediately and Vis walks past them. Inside the inner courtyard she sees rickon sparring with Robb. Robb is letting him win. To the edge of the yard stands Lord Eddard, lady catelyn and a woman whom Vis hasn't seen before. The woman is cradling a little babe in the arms and Vis guesses her to be roslin Frey and their little newborn girl Lyanna. When they see her they all kneel and Vis walks over to them.

"Lord Eddard, wonderful to see you again" Vis says formally and they rise. Then she wraps her arms around her and hugs him.

"Your grace, we didn't expect you" He begins.

"I left Kings landing this morning, your Raven arrived yesterday and I thought I should come and help sort out this free folk problem. When are you heading towards the wall?"

"Tomorrow" he clarifies. "Your grace, this is roslin Frey and Lyanna" he introduces her to the woman and the baby.

"My lady, pleasure to meet you" Vis smiles down at the little read head in her arms. Robb and rickon walk over. "Prince doran accepted the betrothal between Sansa and prince trystane" she informs Eddard who nods. Then she hugs Robb and rickon.

"Lizzy!" She hears a squeal and sees arya running towards her. Arya leaps into her cousins arms and gets wrapped in a bear hug.

"It's wonderful to see you too arry" Vis chuckles and after putting her down she ruffles up her hair. " it's a very long time since I've been called Lizzy"

"How long are you staying? I have so much to tell you!" Arya says, the words tumbling out of her mouth.

"I'm leaving tomorrow but on the way back I can stay a little longer if you want but then I'll have to get back to Jo and rhae"

"Arya, she's your queen"Robb whispers and Vis laughs.

"I've missed you all so much" she beams and sees s beautiful red head walking towards her. "Sansa, how are you?"

"I am well your grace"

"You'll have to ask Lord Eddard if he will let you come back south with me because you are now betrothed to prince trystane martell" Vis tells her and sansas face lights up. After about half an hour of being bombarded with questions later Vis finally manages to escape and goes to Lord eddards study. "What plan do you have around dealing with the free folk?"

"We are going to try and get Mance rayder to bend the knee. If he doesn't then I guess we'll have to go to war" he says.

"Wonderful" Vis deadpans. "And all of the free folk that bend the knee, what will you do to them? Settle them on the gift?"


"Right. I presume you have also gotten all the Ravens about the white walkers" she says and he nods. "Perhaps some of the Warriors and spear wives can live in some of the old castles of the nights watch incase the rumours are true. The castles are already there so might as well put them to use." They spend the next hour talking not just about the free folk but also about everything that has happened since they saw each other last.

The next morning they get on horses and leave winterfell, Vis wanted to ride Gertrude but knew she shouldn't because then she would have to leave everyone behind. But she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the cold sting in the air and the rolling green hills spotted with white snow running up and down the horizon. And she spent the first day talking with Lord Eddard but in truth she was the one who did most of the talking. After nearly a year and six months of being down south and hoarding all her feelings and opinions it was a relief to just rant about everything.

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