Rhaenyra and Catelyn

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Lo and behold, the thenns didn't agree to the terms so they were left to sulk beyond the wall a little longer until Mance and Vis managed to convince their miserable souls to give up eating human meat. Then everyone was left with the damn near impossible task of giving each of the clans land which is fairly similar to what they are used to and isn't too near the people who actually have lived there their entire lives. It takes three months to divide it all up and then about two weeks to get everyone through the tunnel. Once they are on the other side everyone is sent off in the direction of where they are supposed to go. A lot of them are headed towards ruined castles or sea shores. Some young boys are staying to become men of the nights watch. All in all everything turned out rather successfully.

The problem is that visenya is at the wall and her belly is as big as a whale then the maester at castle black is blind and the only other woman there is brienne and gilly. To go to winterfell would take over a month and she would probably give birth midway. Luckily, Jons friend Sam has read a book about giving birth and Gilly has experience in giving birth and helping her sisters give birth. Unluckily, Sam read that book about giving birth several years ago and doesn't really remember it that well.

Vis is in the dining hall when the contractions begin and manages to calmly leave and make her way to the Kings tower where her chambers are. Then she sends brienne to fetch Gilly and Samwell while finding a comfortable place on the bed. She is probably the calmest person in the birthing room since Gilly and Sam keep arguing about what to do. Then she has ned nervously hovering by the door and her hand firmly clasped in Jons. Jon seems very panicked and keeps warning Samwell not to mess it up. After a few hours Vis has had enough.

"Oh jaysus Christ will you all just shut up! I'm the one giving birth!" Vis snaps. "Now, Jon, OHHH JAYSUS right, Jon, promise me you will keep them safe and make sure they get to- UGHHHHH- kingslanding. Make sure Joanna gets on the throne. UGHHHH. she is my heir. Joanna targary-UGHHHH-en, rhaegar is the Lannister heir. Joanna targaryen, OK? Promise me Jon, you have to promise me. I've talked it over with jam- JAYSUS MOTHERFUCKER-ie and he knows. Promise me you'll keep them safe. UGHHHHH. I'm so going to fecking die"

"No you're not, you will live" Jon says, his eyes watering up at the sight of his sister in so much pain.

"One more push" Samwell says merrily. Vis pushes, very, very hard. A baby's cries fills the room. Gilly takes the baby and begins to clean it up.

"What is it? Boy or girl?" Vis asks, completely exhausted.

"A little girl" sam says, smiling down at the little wrinkled raisin of skin that just came out of Vis' vagina. Vis swears, not at the baby because she's delighted to have another girl, she swears because of the intense pain thundering through her stomach like lightning bolts, she curses at the growing pool of blood sinking deep into the bed.

"It's coming, number two is coming-AW JAYSUS" she screams and Gilly and Sam resume their work. "Jon, when I die, don't blame Sam or Gilly. They're a- UGHHHHH- shit ton better than pycelle. God he was an arse, so glad he's dead. Wish i killed him sooner. UGHHHHH" complete random strings of words come out of her moth for twenty minutes until baby number two is brought into the world. Vis collapses back on the pillow in a pool of exhaustion- exhaustion and blood. "Boy or girl?"

"Girl"Gilly says while Sam cleans the baby up. "I don't know what to do. You are going to bleed to death. All this blood. There isn't anything I can do"

"Get maester Aemon!" Jon orders while staring down at his sister who is growing paler by the second.

"Tell them I love them, the twins, and tell Joanna and rhaegar I'm sorry. I promised Jo I would be safe and that I would be back before she knew it" Vis says and tears start to roll down her cheeks.

"Shh now, you will survive" Jon says, trying to convince himself that what he said is true.

"I'm scared. I know I shouldn't be because I've already been dead. But I am. I'm terrified. I'm don't know why. Promise me Jon, promise me you'll keep them safe" she says and struggles to keep breathing.

"I will, I will, I will, I promise, they'll be safe" Jon replies

"Maybe I'll go back to Ireland this time. I'll wake up and this will all have been a dream. Back to mum and dad and cassana. I'll have to get up in the morning and spend the day studying for exams. Let me hold them," she pushes herself into a sitting position and Samwell hands her a brown haired girl and Gilly hands Jon a blonde girl. "Rhaenyra" she calls the blonde. "Lord Eddard, I asked lady catelyn a few months ago and she said yes, I would be honoured if I was able to name her catelyn" she says to Lord Eddard who is standing beside the bed.

"Of course your grace" ned replies just as Vis collapse back down and let's catelyn be taken away from her.

"Goodbye" she says and dies.

Outside of castle black Deborah, Sylvester and Gertrude roar and soar through the skies to let everyone know that their mother has died.

Hello, Short chapter I know but the next will be nice and long

Have a great day❤️


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