The Massacre of the Throne Room

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After several weeks kingslanding comes into view. Stannis hasn't arrived there yet and Vis rides on in with Jamie at her side.

"What do you think cersei will say when she sees us?" Vis asks Jamie.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough" Jamie replies and smiles at her. They are both very eager to see Jon and Joanna again and when they arrive I stand courtyard they leap off their horses and let the stable boys take them. Vis walks on in but tywin stops Jamie. "What is it?" He asks

"You'll see" tywin replies. Vis doesn't hear them though, she walks straight into the throne room where Joffrey stands with cersei, tommen and a lot of Lannister guards. In ser mandons arms is a baby wrapped in lacy cotton, Jonathan. Ser Mandon has his dagger drawn.

"I am visenya of house targaryen. The rightful queen of the seven kingdoms" she begins. "Surrender the iron throne and there will be no bloodshed. You will be Lord of the storm lands and your children after it. Refuse to bend your knees and you will die."

"I don't think so. You see, it would be a lot easier for us to just eliminate you since you have very conveniently destroyed a lot of the crowns enemies" cersei says and the guards draw their swords, Vis draws her sword too.

"Dance with me then" Vis taunts the guards she begins to fight. Ser mandon raises the dagger high, aiming for the heart and Vis grabs tommen, pointing her dagger to his neck. "Let Jonathan go. He is my first born. Cersei, let him go or I will cut your sons throat" she hisses but it is too late. The sound of a baby's wails only lasts a moment and Vis cuts to men's throat until she feels the steel grating against bone. Then she picks back up her sword, filled with a new kind of fury and thrusts it into a mans face, yanking it back out again. She doesn't even bother to kill most of the men she knocks to the floor, just as long as they are unconscious for long enough to kill Joffrey, cersei and ser mandon. Jamie runs into the room, drawn by the sound of metal clanging and a woman screaming for her child.

Vis meets Joffrey face to face and he tries to run away but trips over air. In Vis' opinion there has never been a nicer sound than her sword cutting through his heart and hearing the blood squelch and gurgle gives her a sense of satisfaction. Jamie takes down a crying cersei, knocking her to the ground and chocking the life from her lungs.

"Kill her" tywin orders and all of a sudden she sees white armour in front of her and uses her hands to stop the dagger from slicing her neck open. Then she screams as a sword is shoves through her back and out her heart the same time the dagger her hands were stopping moves away and lands itself in her stomach. It's owner twists and she screams louder, falling to the floor in a pool of her own blood. Jamie crawls over to her and cradles her head in his arms.

"Fuck off" she hisses, knowing full well that this was a plot to be rid of her and Jamie was most definitely involved. When she dies Jamie cries, really, really loudly and in his anger he slays his father.

Visenya is dead. Cersei is dead. Joffrey is dead. Tommen is dead. Jonathan is dead. Tywin is dead. A lot of other people are dead.

Jamie demands that visenya be burned on a pyre so one is made and carefully the body placed. But what he doesn't know is that half an hour before the scheduled burning a visitor arrived by the name of melissandre. Jamie recognises her and asks her to do whatever she can to possibly bring Vis back to life since he has heard the stories about Beric dondarion. At first she refuses but says yes when he holds his swords edge to her throat.

She goes over the ritual and waits, then she does it again and again until Jamie gives up hope and kisses Vis gently on the lips before lighting the pyre on fire. The pyre comes alight in an instant and soon there is a large area of red and orange fire burning bright against the dark sky.

Vis stirs and her chest rises and falls. Sitting up suddenly she is full of panic before calming down and remembering that she is the blood of the dragon, fire won't kill her. Then she also gets weirded out with the fact that she was dead, and now she isn't. Grief and anger slam into her chest like a truck and she sits up.

Everyone watching the pyre burning is shocked. Vis is supposed to be dead and not walking towards them but she is. Standing there with her clothes burnt to ash and a scowl on her face. Many of the holier people watching start praying to the seven and either thanking them for sending an angel or praying that it isn't a demon from hell sent to plague the realm. Jamie runs towards her but she stops him from hugging her.

"You were in on their plan. Their betrayal. Ser mandon killed our little boy on cerseis orders. Your sisters orders. The sister you fucked for years" she says, her voice emotional and angry.

"I didn't know about it. Truly, I didn't. They are all dead now anyways. I can't tell you how glad I am to see you" he says tearing up.

"I don't believe you" she replies and puts on the robe that was handed to her. "Now if you will excuse me I am going to see my daughter unless cersei already killed her and then I have many other things to do"she says and walks off

Hello. I enjoyed writing this mainly cuz Joffrey dies (woo hoo) also every time I think of the red wedding I still get really sad. How am I gonna survive this April lol.

Also Vis has now taken a pages out of daenerys' and Jons books because she did the naked fire thing and the reborn by melissandre thing.

Have a great day❤️


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