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Two weeks later, Kings landing

"So, the King told you he would release you from your vows if this mystery woman says yes. Can you tell me who it is because it truly is a mystery. I don't think I'll ever be able to guess" Liz says while sparing with Jamie.

"You'll find out soon enough" Jamie replies with a smile.

"But who could it be? I mean, I haven't seen you spend lots of time around any particular girl, unless you have to of course. Is it true that Lord tywin is coming to Kings landing to approve the bride to be?"

"It is"

"What if he doesn't like her and makes you choose a new bride?"

"Then I will stay in the kingsguard and be alone for the rest of my days. There is a spider in your hair by the way" he says and points.

"Don't lie, how could there be a spider in my hair? You are just messing with me so I get distracted and lose" she replies and parries.

"I'm not messing with you" he stops sparring and she wipes her hair, a large spider crawls onto her hand and she screams, immediately dropping her sword and shakes her hand around, desperately trying to get it off while Jamie roars with laughter.

"GET IT OFF, AHH, STOP LAUGHING. AHHHHHHH," it finally drops to the ground and she jumps on it again and again and again until it stops wriggling. "Thanks for your help" she says sarcastically to Jamie.

"I'm the one that told you it was there"

"Yes but you didn't help kill it. Are there any more in my hair, what if it laid eggs in my head? Apparently once a spider laid eggs in a persons head when they were sleeping and they couldn't sleep for weeks because all they could hear was the baby spiders eating their way out" she shudders and picks up her sword again just as a servant comes over.

"Ser Jamie, Lord tywin has arrived and wishes to speak with you" he says.

"You go on, see ya later" Liz tells him with a smile but when he walks away the smile disappears and tears come to her eyes. She knows that she should be happy for Jamie, finding love with someone who isn't his sister but she still feels a pang of sadness.

"Lizzy! Can you help me?" Tommen asks, running over.

"Of course I can, let's get some swords" she sheathes her sword and goes to get two wooden ones and two training shields. "Right, left, right left, left, left, good,now you try attacking." Tommen starts to throw his own blows which are easily deflected. "Well done, you'll be as good as your uncle in no time at all. Very good, now keep your shield up or I'll ring your head like a bell"

"But I'm attacking so I don't need to defend" he says, landing another hit on her shield.

"Yes but in a real fight we would both be attacking and defending. Now, big men fall just as easy as little ones when you put a sword through their heart but down here everyone wears armour so what you have to try and do until you get as tall as your father is go for the legs. If you can knock someone to the ground then you can kill them easier and you have the advantage, got it? Also go for the face if they ain't got a helm on" she advises and he tries to whack her off her feet.

"Eliza" they hear the queen hear and Liz turns to reply, taking her attention away from tommen just at the moment her brings his sword up and whacks it straight into her face. She staggers back, taking out her handkerchief to stop the blood sprouting from her nose covering the rest of her face,

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" tommen begins, looking quite scared.

"Don't be sorry, I got distracted and a window was open for you, if your sword was real I would be dead. Well done," she smiles down at his and pulls back the handkerchief, frowning at all the blood.

Elizabeth- a Jamie Lannister fanficWhere stories live. Discover now