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Winterfell comes into view after three and a half months of travel but Liz doesn't see it since she is stuck in the wheelhouse with cersei, myrcella and tommen because cersei caught her throwing up every morning for a week before she ordered her inside the wheelhouse. That with headaches, back pain, not having had her period since before she was married and lots of other stuff she was definitely not allowed to ride her horse until maester luwin determines whether or not she has a little Lannister growing inside her. Jamie kept checking in on them to see if she was okay to which her answer was always no because she feels terrible. The horns begin to hoot and the wheelhouse picks up pace which turns liz's stomach around. The wheelhouse jerks to a stop and the door opens for myrcella and tommen to get out first, then the queen and after a moment Liz steps out. The King walks over to ned and they all stand up but Liz zone out of their conversation when Jamie walks over to check how she's doing.

"How are you my love?" He asks after kissing her lightly on the lips.

"As well as is to be expected. So, what do you think, pregnant or just dramatically getting fat?" She asks with a smile

"Well, I hope pregnant and I think everyone else is too. Father will be very pleased to hear he has a very fertile son and daughter-in-law" Jamie replies with a smile. "Are you alright? You have just gone very pale"

"Sudden cramps" she explains and winces. The queen walks over to the Starks and a moment passes before the King walks off with ned trailing behind him. Then cersei says something to lady catelyn and walks back to the side of the wheelhouse.

"Where is our brother? Go and find the little beast" she tells Jamie and turns to Liz. "Go and see the maester now, I will expect an answer later this evening" Liz nods and goes over to her family.

"Are you alright Liz? You look sick" Robb says.

"I'm grand, maester luwin can I speak with you for a bit?" She asks luwin who smiles kindly at her.

"Of course, we'll go to my tower then" he says and they walk to the maesters turret


After luwin confirms her suspicions she goes to the room that was assigned to her and Jamie. She knocks before entering and finds Jamie sitting on the bed with wet hair while two handmaidens remove the water from the bath and replace it with fresh hot water

"So, I have some news. Luwin has confirmed that I am about fifteen weeks pregnant" she says with a smile and his eyes light up.

"So it could be considered a wedding night baby then?" He asks with a smile and lifts her up into her arms, kissing her like she is the only thing in the world that matters.

"No, almost but I don't think so. We have been married nearly sixteen weeks now which is quite a long time, now I think I need to have a bath cuz I'm stinky" she says and he puts her down.

"I wasn't going to say anything" he replies, smirking and lying back down on the bed. After a few minutes the bath is full again and Liz gets in and stays there until the water begins to get cold. By the time they leave the chambers again night has fallen and the feast is about to begin.

"Now don't tell anyone, just a little longer and then we can tell them" she says, sitting down. "Where's tyrion? I thought you said he said he would be here"

"He'll get here soon, now relax my love and let's try to enjoy this evening with your family" he says. Morgoth nudges liz's hand and she strokes. Everywhere is very loud and within the second hour the King has already made his way down to the middle of the hall and is kissing a serving girl while drunk men roar with laughter around him and Liz is extremely tempted to drink some wine. Finally tyrion comes in and sits down beside Liz.

Elizabeth- a Jamie Lannister fanficWhere stories live. Discover now