Two years later

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Two years later in winterfell

"My lord, a Raven from kings landing with a letter from lady elizabeth," maester luwin says and hands Lord Eddard a letter. More and more stories had been drifting north recently, all saying about how adored Liz was at court and how nearly everyday she got a marriage proposal but still remains humble and how she is everyone's friend. They say that with every day she looks more and more like her aunt Lyanna. They also say that Ser Jamie loves her and she loves him but they were both didn't know about each other's affections and everyone at court was trying to get them to admit to each other their love.

Ned opens the letter immediately, his eyes scanning the small letter filled with liz's messy writing.

'Hello father, I hope everyone is well. I wish I could go back to winterfell, I love it here in Kings landing but I miss the north. Tomorrow I'm going hunting with the King and I'm really excited, ser Jamie is coming along too so it will be lots of fun. Debbie and syl have gotten really big and I visit them in the dragon pit whenever I can but there is still no sign of gertie.
Also I beat Ser Jamie at sparing yesterday, he might have let me win but I still won. And I don't the the queen likes me, I've done everything I could over the last two years but to no avail. I can't help the fact that a lot of women are changing their gowns to the style I wear or that people keep talking about me the way they do, I wish they didn't do that actually.
Tell arya that I can't wait to spar with her when I see her next and that trousers are in fashion! And tell everyone that I miss them terribly,
Love from Liz'

He chuckles and looks up at cat.

"She's well, mentioned the kingslayer twice though" he frowns at that,

"You can write back to her and tell her to stay away from him. Surly what we have heard is exaggerated. You should tell the kids you got news from her" Catelyn replies through gritted teeth. It pains her to think of that woman elizabeth and about how adored she is down south after easily packing her bags and heading south with her unnatural dragons. And now she was apparently madly in love with the kingslayer of all people, a man of the kingsguard and an oathbreaker, a man without honour.

Ned calls down to Jon, Robb, rickon, bran and theon in the courtyard that he got a letter from Liz before handing it down to them. They all read it quickly and bran goes to get arya and Sansa to tell them. They are always slightly nervous when they get a letter, worried that it will bear bad news but they also pray that it will say that she is returning to winterfell.

Kings landing

Liz nocks her arrow, aims and shoots it in the leg. The boar squeals loudly and the King comes over.

"You get it?" He asks, his face red at all the exercise and his spear held high.

"Yup, right in the leg your grace" she steps back to let the King kill it.

"Big fucker," the King comments.

"What do we do now? It's dead, how is it brought back to Kings landing?" She asks and Jamie smiles. "What? I've never done this before. Should all the eww bits be taken out?"

"We bring it back to Kings landing on the back of a horse" Jamie says.

"But it's big and there are four horses, four people which means that two people will probably have to go together." She sheathes her dagger and realises that she will have to go with Jamie. Since lancels horse has lots of wine skins on it and other things the King might need. Liz goes to try and lift up the boar to mask her blushing face. "Can you help me with this, he's really heavy" she looks at Jamie who finally bends down to help her lift the boar up onto her horse and secure it in this place then tying her horse to his horse. "So your grace, back to the red keep?"

Elizabeth- a Jamie Lannister fanficWhere stories live. Discover now