Inn at the crossroads

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They are leaving today since bran has now been asleep over two weeks and doesn't show any signs of waking up. Liz had avoided his room where he lies because lady catelyn was constantly sitting beside his little body but they were leaving now so there was no more time. She has already said goodbye to almost everyone else. Lady catelyn is sitting beside Brans bed with her hands clasped around one of his, staring at him face while desperately praying that he walks up.

"What do you want?" She asks, her voice venomous

"To say goodbye to bran"Liz replies and walks over to the other side of the bed, taking hold of his tiny little hand and kissing his forehead gently. "Goodbye little brother, I wish I could be here when you wake up" she says and stands up again, looking at his pale face for a moment before going to leave.

"I wish it had been you"lady catelyn says and Liz sighs.

"So do I my lady, so do I" she replies and leaves. Down in the courtyard she walks over to Jon. "Goodbye Jon"

"Goodbye, take care of yourself now" he says, smiling

"I will. And i promise to send a Raven to the wall as soon as it is born and if all goes well you shall be a uncle in five months. Oh my gosh" she says covering her nose as blood begins to come out. She shoves her handkerchief under it to try and stop the blood flow. "It's alright, maester luwin said this might happen. I will miss you but know that when I am down south I will be thinking about you"

"And I'll be thinking about you too, now I think you had better go and get onto that cart beside Sansa and arya, they look like they are leaving soon"

"Goodbye Jon"

"Goodbye Lizzy" he replies and they hug. Then she walks over to Robb and hugs him.

"I'll see you in a few years, alright Robb? Perhaps when this baby is born I'll get on gertie and pop up here for a visit" she says with a sad smile

"I look forward to it. Goodbye Liz, I'll miss you"

"And I will miss you, goodbye" she mops up the blood around her nose and goes over to the cart where she is helped up by a guard. They set off and winterfell grows small in the distance.


The inn at the crossroads comes into view around midday so everyone decides to stop for the night because a) everyone is tired from the two months of traveling and b) since Liz is seven months pregnant and apsolutly huge, cersei is suspicious that it might be twins so no one wants to go to fast in case she gets hurt. Sansa is completely in love with the idea of being pregnant but Liz is fed up with the kicking, back pains and needing to pee constantly. She decided to go to for a walk and hears someone shouting loudly so she fast walks towards the noise as fast as she can and sees Joffrey holding his sword up against aryas neck.

"Step away from my sister!" She roars,picking up a stick from the ground. Nymeria runs out and jumps on Joffrey, biting into his flesh just after she knocks him out with the stick. Arya picks up his sword and tosses it into the river. "Sansa, help me carry him back to camp, it isn't too far. Arya, send nymeria away. Whatever you have to do just get her to run because the queen will have her fur on her floor before the day is out. Go, now Sansa, when we get back to camp I want you to let lady go too, make her run away and I'll do the same with morgoth if we have time. Also arya, stay away from Micah, he'll be on the run but the dogs will pick up nymeria a scent if she goes after him. Now!" She says and arya runs away. "You take his legs, I'll take his arms"

"No..." Sansa begins to protest,

"Listen, this is your prince lying here bleeding. You have to save him, do you understand. He will be eternally in your debt. Now, if you don't want legs then take his arms. He isn't heavy" she bends down and lifts his legs, after a moment of thinking Sansa picks up his arms but as they begin to walk she keeps dropping him. "Right, help me get him into my arms, I can carry him back to camp, it is close now"

"But your pregnant!"

"I know, now help me" Liz hisses and picks him up, tossing the prince over her shoulder like a sack of spuds. They walk back to the camp as fast as they can and Sansa runs on to get the King and queen but by the time everyone is outside their tents she is at the camp, red faced, breathless and covered in that cunts blood.

"Liz!" Jamie exclaims, alarmed as he sees his seven month pregnant wife walk into camp with Joffrey over her shoulder and a mix of blood and muck staining her dress. She flips him over her shoulder and he lands in a pile of horse shit.

"His arm is bleeding, I accidentally knocked him out when he attacked arya" she says and winces with a sudden flash of pain in her chest,

"Go and lie down now, you are pregnant for gods sake. Come, everyone else will deal with joff" he says and leads her over to their tent where he makes sure she lies down on the bed and stays there. Eventually she dozes off but is woken near midnight and led to the hall in the inn where everyone is assembled. Sansa is crying and saying over again how she doesn't know anything but then everyone's gaze turns to her,

"So, lady elizabeth, tell us what happened earlier today" the King says, shifting in his seat.

"Well, I was going for a walk and I heard some shouts so I sorta fast walked towards them and I saw prince Joffrey holding his sword against aryas neck so I shouted at him to put down the sword and I picked up a stick from the ground and whacked him over the head just as nymeria jumped out of the bushes to save arya. She accidentally scratched his skin and I accidentally knocked him out. Sansa and I tried to carry him back to camp but Sansa was too distraught with the thought of prince Joffrey being hurt so I carried him back here" she says, doing that sort of smile that you don't actually open your mouth for because it isn't a real smile and you don't actually know what to do

"One person says one thing, another says another. Ned, you discipline your daughter and I'll disinclined my son" the King says and goes to leave.

"What of the wolf that savaged your son?" Cersei says and Liz internally curses, she knows what's coming up and forgot to throw rocks at morgoth.

"There was no trace of the wolf your grace" someone says and the King continues walking away.

"We have another" cersei suggests

"As you will" robert decides and finally walks away. Sansa breaks down into tears and arya starts screaming that Joffrey is a liar while Jamie tries to lead Liz away to bed.

"No, no, not morgoth" she says, trying to wriggle free from his grip. "Not morgoth. Morgoth is good" she says. "Jamie please, if you have any love for me convince your sister to let morgoth stay alive" she begs as they go outside. Ned goes over to lady and after a moment slides a dagger into his heart. Liz finally manages to break away from Jamie's grip and goes into the trees, saying that she is just going to pee but she goes farther and soon she is back beside the river and morgoth is sitting there, looking very innocent after chewing up the stick she used to knock out Joffrey. For the first time in what feels like a long time she laughs, big, full, heartfelt laughs that feels like sipping hot spice wine on a freezing day. She laughs at the hilarity of everything, of being married to the kingslayer- someone she used to believe was just from a book series, then the fact that she knocked out that cunt Joffrey and has three dragons, a direwolf and is seven months pregnant. By the time she finishes laughing she isn't alone and Jamie is standing there with his eyebrows raised.

"I was sent to come and get you. Who do you want to kill your wolf? Come on, you have to accept it, she's practically already dead" he tries to reason with her

"I will never give up on morgoth" she says and walks off, kneeling down to her wolf. "Morgoth, I meet you to run away. Go north and find winterfell, I know you can do it. Go on. Run" she says and morgoth trots off. Finally when she has decided that morgoth won't come back her and Jamie go back to camp and finally go to sleep.

Hellooooooo, we zooming through time now and we gonna zoom forward a month and a half to the tourney of the hand! Have an amazing day❤️


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