Handy Gifts

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After twenty days of hard marching highgarden has just come into view and they see about five men on horses galloping towards them. Two of them carry golden rose banners on fields of green and another carries an ornate wooden box. They ride right up to the Lannister forces and Vis rides up to meet them.

"We have a gift from lady olenna for queen visenya" one of them says and holds out the box. She takes it, confused, and opens it. Inside lies a hand, Jamie's sword hand.

"The evil cow" Vis says and slams it shut.

"What is it?" Lord tywin asks

"That old hag of highgarden sent us an unwanted gift" she says and opens the box, snowing tywin the rotting flesh inside. "It's Jamie's"

"Are you sure that it is Jamie's?" He asks, gritting his teeth.

"I am. Tell lady olenna to expect fire and blood" she tells the messengers and hands them back the box. "I'm going to go and get on gertie" she tells tywin who nods and she gallops away while the Lannister forces continue their march.

Twenty minutes later the lannisters are outside highgarden a walls and all the soldiers are at the walls. Then they hear a loud sound not unlike an earthquake and a goat mixed together. Three dragons fly towards the walls of highgarden and feeble arrows patter against their chests like rain on a window. She flys around the walls, burning the men where they stand huddled under shields made of wood and iron. Then she lands and with a dragons roar the guards open the gates in fear for their lives. In the end highgarden was defeated very easily but Vis guesses everything is much easier when you have dragons. The Lannister soldiers walk into highgarden and Vis climbs off Gertrude and goes to find lady olenna who will know where Jamie is.

"Where's olenna?" She asks one of the Tyrell soldiers.

"I don't know your grace" he replies.

"Who knows where the hag is?" She asks some of the surrendered soldiers around her. No one answers so she stalks off in the direction she thinks is right and after ten minutes finds herself standing opposite the queen of thorns. "Why did you torture Jamie?" She stares into old as eyes, her voice venomous.

"I didn't torture the kingslayer. By the time he arrived his hand was already gone. The lads who managed to capture him have quite a vicious streak" she says. "How well did we fight?"

"At the battle of rose road, as well as is to be expected. Here, I just burned most of them and the rest surrendered so not that well. Margaery is still alive. She will be the last Tyrell of any consequence. How do you want to die lady olenna?"

"Surrounded by my family"

"Well, you'll be surrounded by them when you are dead"

"Why didn't tywin attack highgarden when his gold mines ran dry?" She asks and Vis pours two glasses wine, handing one to olenna.

"Keeping up appearances I guess. I asked margaery if there was anything she wanted to tell you but I can't remember what she said, I should have written it down"

"You really do love Jamie" olenna comments

"I do. Anyways, I'm going to find Jamie. Now, where about's in this castle is he?"  Vis asks, unsheathing her dagger. "Not going answer are we? Well, lady olenna, any last words?"

"I did what I had to for my family, I have done horrible, horrible things and I haven't lost a night sleep over them. I warned mace not to ally with renly, robert has two sons, renly an older brother, what claim did he ever have to that ugly iron chair? Well I suppose once the cows been milked there's no shoving the cream back up the udder. What are your intentions for the realm as queen?"

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