burn them all

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"Are you alright my love?" Jamie asks that night when he walks into their chambers. Vis is sitting on the bed after drinking quite a lot of wine. She looks up at Jamie and shakes her head.

"It hurts so much, my leg especially. Is it really worth it? All of this death, all this pain, for what?" She says, her voice quiet. Jamie walks over to the bed and cups her face in his hands.

"It is worth it and I would be honoured if I could show you why" Jamie says and kisses Vis. "Gods i missed you" he murmurs, his breath hot against her skin. She begins to takes off his clothes and she does the same for her, being very careful around her injuries. Later that night they lie in bed snuggled up to each other and chatting. Vis turns and looks up at him, running her hand through his greying hair. "What?" He asks, half asleep.

"You hair is so grey now, and your beard" she observes

"Well I am forty years old. You have an old husband"

"I do, and I love him to the moon and back. I can't wait until we've dealt with the faith militant and this high sparrow, then we might have some peace and quiet for a while before the white walkers arrive"

"Do you actually believe the tales? Are you going to call the banners for something that mightn't end up existing in the first place?"

"I trust the men that tell me they're real and if it isn't needed then I won't call the southern banners if I don't need to at first in the war against them. I love you" she sighs and snuggles deeper into the sheets

"I love you too" Jamie replies and lets himself drift off to sleep. The morning is fairly hectic and it is the same for a week while the reach is being made smaller with land going to the crown lands, dorne and the westerlands. Unfortunately because of geographical reasons giving land to the north would be quite impractical so they get some food and supplies from the reach for the winter and all of the northern soldiers have a great time getting armour off the corpses. Also the houses that revelled get their taxes raised. Then when everything is decided Vis gets on Gertrude and they fly to Kings landing to deal with the faith militant.

The militant has completely taken over the red keep and everyone else has no idea what to do, the remaining members of the small council that aren't behind bars included. She lands outside the sept of Baelor with every intent to put a stop to the militant. She clumsily climbs off and uses her walking stick for support as she walks up the few remaining steps. The guards outside don't bow which makes Vis' lips thin in frustration.

"It is customary to bow when in the presence of the queen" she says coldly

"We only bow to the seven" one of them replies, his voice monotone.

"Don't give me any of that religious bullshit. Now, I've got work to do." The guards look at her pointedly as she walks on into the sept. She walks over to a man scrubbing the floor. "You there. Where would I find the High Septon or High Sparrow or whatever bloody fool name he's got?" The man turns around and reveals himself to be the high sparrow.

"It's not as good a name as 'mother of dragons' or 'the undead' I'll admit" he says

"You should have the decency to stand when you speak to your queen" she says.

"You should have the decency to kneel before the gods" he replies.

"And I do, but i don't follow these seven gods, it's the old gods of the north for me and believe me when I say this, I've been dead three times, there isn't a heaven or hell. Now, is there somewhere we can go and talk about this faith militant business" Vis glances around the sept and follows the high sparrow as they walk through the main hall and down into another room deep weighing the sept. He walks over to a plain stone table and leans against it.

"The people who built this place didn't inflict their vanity on those who came after them, the way Baelor did with that great gelded monstrosity up there. Their faith was clean. Strip away the gold and the ornaments, knock down the statues and the pillars and this is what remains. Something simple, solid and true. What will we find when we strip away your finery? A young man came to us, not long ago, broken in body and spirit. He had so much to strip away, so much weighing him down. But, piece by piece, he unburdened himself. Let go of pride, vanity, sin. Now, his soul is so light, he will float through the Seven Heavens like a bird. You admit to not following the seven so why should we follow you?"

"Because I was anointed by the seven as queen. That is exactly like asking why should the northerners have kneeled to my ancestors, because if they didn't kneel then they would die. The law banning the faith militant was brought back by an usurper who I have since killed. Now, the faith militant will be once again illegal so, will you be putting down your weapons and stopping all this religious bullshit and go back to where you belong or will you keep yourselves armed? Bear in mind I'm not in an amiable mood this evening."

"Well, I'm not sure I want to follow a woman who disregards the faith with such foul language and speaks that way in this sacred building. Perhaps we should work on stripping away your finery" he replies and suddenly the walls are lined by brothers of the militant.

"I have three dragons outside this building, do you really think locking me away in a cell is a good idea? You have until tomorrow at midday to change your mind"

"Or else?"

"Do you really want to find out? You have twenty four hours, give me an answer and I'll give you my response, no answer and you will get the response anyways" she says and leaves. Outside she gets back on Gertrude and they make the small flight to the red keep. She spends the next twenty four hours setting everything right and planning.

Just before midday the next day she is greeted by lancel Lannister and a few other brothers of the faith militant.

"Ser lancel, I presume you are here with the high septons answer" Vis says, greeting them.

"It's brother lancel. The high septon says no, we will not put down our weapons to an unbeliever, if you convert then the answer might change" lancel says.

"Seize 'brother lancel,' kill the rest. Bring him to a comfortable cell and make sure he isn't left alone at any stage, if he doesn't eat tube the food through his nose. Make sure he isn't harmed. Find varys and tell him to send the little birds to their tasks immediately" Vis says and walks all the way back to her chambers. She pours herself a big glass of wine and waits while leaning against the balcony. Minutes tick by and then


the sept of Baelor erupts in green flame and Vis sips some of her wine, content with the message the fire is sending, she know Jamie won't be happy with her but a queens gotta do what a queens gotta do and they wouldn't kneel so now they are ashes.

And Harry is the king of the jungle! I wanted Emily to win but I knew he would win cuz of all the sandra stuff. Also I'm really tired so goodnight, I think I'll end this soon, only one or two chapters left


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