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Morning comes quickly and coldly. She gets into her clothes and sighs with the tightness of the tunic over her stomach. Literally everyone knows she is pregnant now, there is no hiding it. Brienne and ned were annoyed that she didn't tell them or else they would have traveled slower. The gate on the inside of the wall rises.

"Are you alright your grace?" Brienne asks

"Yeah, not used to the cold" she explains and they begin to walk through the tunnel. It is a very thick tunnel and takes quite a while to trudge through but finally they get to the end and ser allister waves his torch around and the outer gate rises. Once they are through he does the same waving and the gate is closed. Light snow falls around them and they walk quickly towards the trees. They make their way across all the deepish snow and into the trees where they are met by the first of the free folk.

"Stop right there"a tall man says. His hair is wild and black. "Who are ye?"

"I am visenya targaryen, queen of the seven kingdoms. This is Lord Eddard stark, ser allister Thorne and lady brienne of the queensguard. We're here to see Mance rayder and discuss the future of the free folk" she says.

"How do we know you ain't lying?" A woman with bright red hair says, stepping forward. Gertrude lands beside them and roars. Vis reaches out and strokes her while staring the free folk in the eyes.

"If Gertrude wasn't my child then I wouldn't be able to stroke her. Can we continue our journey or will you show us to Mance rayder?"

"I can show ye the way there. Follow me" one of them says and they turn around, walking deeper into the forest.

"Do you think we should follow him? He doesn't seen to trustworthy" Vis says to brienne as they begin to walk after the wildlings.

"I don't know if there is anything else we can do your grace" Brienne replies and they keep walking. They come to the edge of a camp that stretches as far as the eye can see in every direction. As they walk through it everyone stops and stares at them. Over to one side of the camp a giant wrestles/play's with Sylvester and Vis chuckles when she sees them.           They are led into a large tent and step inside. Inside there sits a man whom she presumes is Mance rayder.

"My name is visenya of house targaryen, this is Lord Eddard stark, ser allister of the nights watch and lady brienne of the queensguard. We are here to discuss the future of the free folk"

"Thought you'd be coming to our camp on the back of one of your dragons" Mance says, sitting down. "Come, sit"

"I do not intend to burn anyone to death, I do not intend on forcing every man, woman and child in this camp to their knees because my brother Jon informed me that it would be impossible to do. You have met him? Jon snow"

"Aye, he's joined our side. He's a wildling now" Mance says.

"He went back to the nights watch. He only pretended to be one of you so you wouldn't kill him. So, we have several terms that you should agree to when going south of the wall, they are quite stiff and can be somewhat flexed" she takes out a letter they wrote the night before and hands it to him. He takes it and reads it.

'You and your people must stay within the gift unless they wish to bend the knee and become part of the seven kingdoms. The time south of the wall is only temporary and when winter is over you will be asked to leave or to bend the knee. There will be no raping, raiding, stealing or cannibalise. I am aware that in your marriage traditions you steal the bride from their home, that may be continued as long as she is from beyond the wall and is fully aware of what is going on. You must live in relative harmony with the people south of the wall. While you will be respected as a King we will have to work together a bit to make this work and since I am the queen of the seven kingdoms and you will be in the seven kingdoms you must fully respect me, the integrity of the seven kingdoms and the southern customs. If there is raping, raiding, stealing or cannibalism that you don't put a stop to then I will have to step in and restore order. You will be facing a lot of prejudice south of the wall so everyone will have to deal with such offences peacefully. Any man who wishes to join the nights watch may and any people who wish to go back beyond the wall to their homes before winter is finally over may do so,

Elizabeth- a Jamie Lannister fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora