Daenerys vs Visenya

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Sam says yes to her offer and she leaves the wall that at the crack of dawn and arrives at the Lannister camp when the sun is high in the sky. To be frank everyone looks quite shocked to see their queen alive and as she marches over to the main tent everyone kneels. Into the main tent she walks and sees Jamie, tyrion and ser Kevan standing around a table deep in discussion.

"Sorry I'm late," she says with a sly smile and they look up from the table.

"Vis?" Jamie asks, uncertain.

"Yup, now you are going to have to fill me in all all that has been going on while I've been dead" she pours herself a glass of wine and drinks it quickly.

"Well I presume you know that daenerys has married euron greyjoy, she bought eight thousand unsullied and they took kingslanding and are now beginning to try and conquer the rest of westeros. The tarlys have joined them with all of the power in the reach. Dorne is staying out of this war and apparently so is the vale. A few days ago daenerys removed the law banning the faith from taking up arms so now we have the faith militant to deal with too" Jamie explains quickly.

"Right, well, ned stark has called his banners and then consequentially edmure Tully will probably too so they will be on our side. If necessary the free folk might fight with us too. Also yara greyjoy is now queen of the iron islands and will attack her uncle at sea. In return for the iron islands we made a pact that no longer will the ironborn raid, rape or reave westeros. Debbie and Sylvester are with her. Where's Jo and rhaegar?"

"Casterly Rock, morgoth and most of the kingsguard are protecting them. We had enough time to evacuate kings landing before euron and daenerys attacked" tyrion says. "Who is going to be warden on the south when tarly is gone?"

"Doran martell. For rebelling against the throne the reachs size will be made smaller and land will be given to the westerlands for their continued support and if dorne joins us they will get some land too. Samwell tarly, a man of the nightswatch and friend of Jon, will become the Lord of horn hill. Jon trusts him and I do too a little bit. Well he is the one that helped deliver cat and rhae"

"But you died" tyrion points out

"Yes but I'm alive now and it wasn't his fault"

"Is it true you let one hundred thousand wildlings south of the wall?" Jamie asks.

"Yup, they are there to stay until winter is over when they will be booted back north again. Don't worry about it, it'll be grand." Vis, Jamie, tyrion and ser Kevan spend the next hour planning the battle against the reachmen and on the morning they will be ready to go.

They arrange for a parley that evening while the sun is still up and get on their horses without any weapons. They ride towards the centre of the chosen battlefield and the men of the reach do the same. Daenerys is there on the opposite side with her eight thousand unsullied. Her targaryen blonde hair is tied back and her clothes are covered with dragons. Daenerys is the one to speak first.

"You brought savages into the realm, you have stirred up political unrest, you are not fit to be a queen. I am, the high septon has already put a crown on my head. Our numbers are much greater than yours. Submit to me or suffer the fate of all traitors. I am the queen" daenerys says

"Anyone who must say I am the queen is no true queen, anyways, a crown does not make you a queen, slaves don't make you a queen"

"I freed them!"

"Aye, but of course they fight and die for you now. I have more claim to the iron throne than you do, without me you would be at the edge of the world in vaes dothrak with all the other khalesis. You've made a mistake daenerys, euron greyjoy will murder you as soon as you get back to Kings landing. You can't have heirs because of that curse mirri miraz dur out on you but I already have four"

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