Chapter thirteen (Lover pt.6) (begining chaos pt.2)

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Cuphead' pov
Me and bendy walked into the kitchen, I poured food onto plates setting them on the table, one in front of bendy, another where I was gunna sit, I sat down beside bendy, we both started to eat, chatting up a small convo while doing so, I smiled hearing what he had to say.

Bendy's Pov
I was happy knowing me and Cuphead can be at one together, but with other hunters or monsters..they'll take it the wrong way..I smiled a bit faking it, he had a bright smile, after we we're done eating we went into his room to cuddle and watch a movie, I smiled hugging his waist happily, he held me close to his chest.

Boris' pov
I slowly woke up smelling breakfast in the air, I smiled going to the kitchen to eat, their I saw mugs eating as well, we both smiled at each other, I sat down in a chair and ate, he did the same, when we did eat we chatted a bit since it was to quiet, we smiled.

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