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All Rights Reserve to owner. I don't own the characters and pictures.

In the middle of the night when the city were fast asleep a man in a hoodie came out of a multistory building and into a car.

He held onto him a messenger bag containing something important. He discreetly drove towards the destinations and soon by the time the sun rises high up his work was done. This person soon went back to the company and reported

He went to seven different locations where a letter was safely sent and soon there will be seven guests coming seeking answers.

"All are sent Madam" the boy said

"Good thank you, Earth" someone said, turned around and a woman in her late 30's nodded.

The Madam, Madam Godji smiled as the boy in a hoodie wai'ed to her and soon left his office. Madam Godji look out the window of her office and look at the city below.

"I will fulfill your promise sir" she thought as she drank her coffee sitting back at her chair knowing that soon the questions all these years will be answered.

At seven different locations, the seven all read a letter from a company that was well-known across Asia. GMM Corporation that puzzled them.

To Whom It May Concern,

You are requested to be present at the GMM Board Room 7 tomorrow 7th Floor at 8AM sharp. Your attendance is compulsory.

Tatchakorn Boonlapayanan
Managing Director

GMM Corporation.

The seven was wondering why they were asked to come to the company at 8AM. Some of them start work at that time.


Seven people arrived at the company now dressed formal as they can as they know about the reputation of this company. They came at the same time and saw each other for the first time as the seven got in an elevator together and got to the 7th floor and went to look for the board room and one of them shouted "Here!"

Soon the seven rushed inside and soon faced a woman in her late 30's smiling at them as she told them

"All seven of you are here? Good come take a seat all of you" she said and soon all seven took a seat each and look at the woman in front of them.

"The reason why I asked all of you to come here today is because of one thing. All of you have something in common; losing a family"

The one asked "Think everyone in this world have that in common, Madam"

Madam Godji sighed and the projector screen turned on as the light dimmed and shown all of their parents.

All eyes didn't leave the screen. Then Madam Godji used a remote made the screen go up and the room became brightly lit once again.

"Reason is, your families are all connected to their death. All seven of you lost parents, am I correct?" she stated and all nodded and soon continued "All seven of you are given a task by a very close friend your parents and this person given all of you your parents will"

"Okay so its normal to be given a will. But why now?" another voice ask and Madam Godji nodded

"Well I am getting to the point. Your parents are the shareholders of GMM Corporation and each one of you received the share under your name. Now here is the part all of you must listen carefully. Like I said your parents are close friends with the CEO of GMM Corporation so here is the task given to all of you before receiving your family's share of the company. All of you must stay at the CEO's villa in Koh Samui for a whole month. The accommodations there are provided and all of you are free for doing your own activities. I know this is hard for all of you getting away from your busy lives but this the inheritance at stake" she explained and look at every single one of their facial expressions

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