Chapter Eight

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For the next few days they were in peace, well almost all of them.

Gun march out of the shared room with Off and headed to the living room pouting and sat on the armchair.

Tay andd New who were watching a comedy show was surprised to see him. Gun was sulking and they could tell straight away as New ask

"Ai'Gun, what's wrong?" New ask

Gun look at the two and had tears in his eyes and said "That man is the most egoistic, self-centred person I've met in my life"

Tay then ask "What did he do this time nong?"

Gun look at the two and felt jealous of their closeness and began to say

"Remember before the abrupt wedding I suppose to go to US to study? He doesn't allow me to go" Gun said and saw the two nodded

"Yeah?" both answered "What he doesn't allow it?"

Gun just nodded and continued and cried "He told me that I was being selfish. To leave him"

AN:this author literally facepalm self

Tay and New just look at each other and New gave Gun a tissue and said "Maybe he has a reason why he doesn't want you to leave him"

Gun used the tissue and thought for awhile "But I've been saving up my whole life for this. I can't turn down the offer now and it's a scholarship at that university too" He said

Both knew what Gun meant. Having a scholarship is a privilege. Gun was probably lucky to get this chance.

"How about this try to give it time. You need his permission to go" Tay said

"Yes. He is still your husband" New said

"Yeah some husband he is. Doesn't treat me like a spouse" Gun mumbled and Tay and New heard it

"What?" Tay and New yelled out

"Eh? Oh I'm just kidding" Gun said

"Oh....okay" both of them said. Tay and New knew something felt fishy. Gun then got up and walk to the door.

"I'm going to take a walk" Gun said and left the villa walking towards the beach. He took a whiff of salty air and placed himself on the soft sand. He took off his sandals and look onto the horizon thinking of everything that's been happening to him lately. Happening so fast.

He doesn't realize someone sitting next to him and looking at him. He was smiling. He took out his camera and captured a picture of the guy next to him.

Gun heard the sound of shutter and saw someone next to him "What are you doing?" Gun try to grab the camera from the guy and the guy put the camera further away from him

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Gun heard the sound of shutter and saw someone next to him "What are you doing?" Gun try to grab the camera from the guy and the guy put the camera further away from him. Gun pouted.

"Delete it" Gun said gravely "You are a stranger taking pictures of someone it should be illegal"

The guy just smiled and said "Then may I know you? I'd like to get to know more about you"

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