Side Story : Godt Bass

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Godt knew Bas was meant to be his from the start since they bumped into each other at the shop.

They both spend time together going out together. They really fell in love day by day even on the day of their wedding they couldn't keep their eyes off of each other. It was love at first sight.

But then after four years, it all changed. After Off's accident four years ago and Gun coming back they didn't have enough time anymore for each other.

Bas felt like they argue more often and ended up them sleeping in separate rooms, even places.

But it all changed when Godt come home late and often smell like perfume and often when Bas does the laundry he saw lipstick stain on most of his work clothes.

Bas knew it and often cries himself to sleep. He hid the tears well from his friends his pain until one day they found out and confront with Bas and found out the truth

"It's true he's been cheating on me" Bas said crying sobbing into New's shoulder

"Why didn't you tell us?" Perth ask

"I don't want to bother all of you" Bas answered

"That's it I'm gonna kill that fucker" Tul said gripping his knuckles tightly

Bas kept on sobbing and crying and he ended up passed out on New's lap. They sighed and felt Bas's forehead found he had a temperature.

"P's what should we do?" Frank ask

All became silent until Gun began to talk "We make a plan to find out of its true or not. I am not letting Bas live a life this way" he said

Bas was sleeping soundly and the six friends felt pity for him. They knew they had to do something and they started the plan.

Next few days Bas stayed with Gun and didn't come home at all.

They turned Bas's mobile phone off and soon enough by the end of the week Godt came to Gun's apartment and the friends saw him look like a mess. Literally.

*Where is he?!!"Godt demanded and rest faces him

"Why do you care?" Krist ask

"He is my husband. He hasn't been home for a week!" Godt said

"And why is that?" Gun now ask crossing arms around his chest

"I don't know" Godt said now looking exhausted

"Have you know that p'Bas was crying all the time after he hid it from us about you" Drake said

Godt became confused "a-about me?" He started to grew pale and then realization "oh God what have I done"

The other six look at each other and then back at Godt

"Alright we won't beat around the bush and ask. Who is she?" New ask as Tay look at his friend feeling mad as well.

"She was just a co-worker. She is new and I did try to get away from her but she is persistent" Godt explained

"Really? Then the fights?" Singto now ask

"Like I said she is persistent. Won't stop clinging to me plus the workload became overwhelming for me made me get home late" Godt explained

"You really hurt him you know that. He told us you cheated on him. He doesn't deserve that. He deserve to be happy" Max said

Godt felt guilty and said "please let me talk to him and make it up to him"

All look at him then at each other soon lead him through as he went to the bedroom where Bas was sleeping soundly.

Godt sat at the side and tears fell from his eyes. He couldn't stop crying and the sobs woke Bas up and he saw Godt

"P" Bas began and Godt look at him crying making Bas had tears in his eyes and soon hugged the older.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry" Godt pleaded "It was all my own fault. Please forgive me" Godt was now sobbing

Bas cried as well hugging his husband "I forgive you P. I forgive you"

They soon made up and now live a happy life together. Godt still got threatened by the friends and also dead threat from Madam Godji that scared him to death and he promised himself not to hurt Bas and cherish his his and always.

AN:Hi all. I hope all of you like this side story. It's really a small drama for GodtBas. Bye for now

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