Chapter Five

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Off came back to the villa and saw no one home. He decided to go back to his room but he saw the food on the table and sat down to eat. It was delicious.

After his meal he cleaned up and soon he goes back to his room. He was thinking quite a lot quite he was at the beach.

He thought of the dimple boy he first saw at the souvenir shop spilled his coffee all over him.

"That brat"he mumbled as he remembered the face expression of the younger this morning when they woke up.

The face of disappointment can clearly seen. Guilty came over him but pushed it away

"Why should I be guilty. I just told him to forget what happened.  It's not that hard" Off mumbled as he lay in bed. 

He then sighed and while thinking he thought about what happened last night.

One thing he actually remembered about happened the night before.

He wasn't actually drunk. It was all an act m actually he does have something stirring in his mind but he's just unsure, confused.

"What have I done?" He said out loud, not realizing that Tay knocked the door And come in seeing him looking at nothing.

"Ai'Off" he called and get no response sat on the bed spoke louder "Ai'Off!"

Off almost jumped and look at Tay who raised his eyebrow.

"What is wrong with you?" Tay ask

Off just sat up and said "it's nothing. Where is everyone?"

Tay just shook his head and said "Gone out. The seven who Madam said we are too be married already gone back to their hotel. Nong Gun gone back to Bangkok"

Then Off panicked "He's gone home? Why?" He asked

"He needs to get ready because he just received the offer letter to attend a university in the US. He didn't tell us only to his friends"

Off was surprised  and he thought back of what he said this morning and what that nong said and decided he might as well act like he doesn't care.

"Good that he leave. Such a sight for sore eyes"Off said hiding his true feelings and that made Tay shook his head

"God Ai'Off. Your ego really pisses me off. I'm off. Me and the guys are going out and have lunch at the food centre" Tay told Off who was now busy on the phone going through his Instagram and saw someone tagged him in a post photo of him kissing Gun at the beach. 

His eyes widen and yelled out "WHAT THE HELL?" Tay who heard the yell just smirked. 

"Got the bait" Tay said as he got out the door and joined the rest at the SUV and soon Tul who decided to drive saw the smirk ask 

"Why are you smiling so widely P?"Tul ask and Tay look at the latter and answered

"Oh nothing. I saw an egoistic asshole receiving what he deserve"

Meanwhile in the social media everyone was surprised as Off was seeing the picture of him kissing a guy. He is a well-known actor and to find him in this kind of spotlight made him the centre of attention for everyone. 

The picture been shared and reposted with almost 500000 views. Everyone flooded the Instagram asking who was that person. 

Meanwhile at the villa, Off was astounded by the views and reposts from all his fans. He even received a call from his company CEO. 

"Jumpol I would like you to see me in my office immediately!" his CEO said and Off was worried. His manager called him and told him

"Tomorrow I will pick you up the airport. The ticket flight back to Bangkok is already in your email. Get ready" His manager, Lee said before hanging up the call

Off put the phone down and look up into the sky placed his palms on his face "What am I going to do now?"

Off doesn't know that this was just the beginning. What will happen next? Stay tuned. 

AN: Hi alll. So I hope all of you like this chapter, I know I am. Hahahaha. Anyway bye for now. 

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