Chapter 4

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"Baby, are you there?" I heard Mike's voice when I was inside the restroom. I automatically checked if I was able to lock it and was relieved when I saw that I did. Thank God. I wouldn't want him inside here now. I know what he wanted to do and a while ago, we're on the same boat. I didn't know what happened, but--fine, I knew the reason but I don't know why I was so affected. I've kissed some girls before out of dares but I've never felt this strange feelings towards them.

I was just being playful with Anika at first because I saw how she rejected Mike's kiss. But when our kiss started, I didn't know what happened, it just felt magical. It's as if my lips had it's own mind and didn't want to stop kissing her.

Ugh! What the fuck is happening to me? Hoo!

I shook my head and washed my face for me to forget about that kiss. I shouldn't be thinking about it. Maybe I should really need to kiss Mike again to help me erase whatever I am feeling right now.

Right. That's what I should do.

When I heard him knock again, I opened the door, pulled him inside and without looking, (since I know that it was my boyfriend who's outside the door), I kissed him hard while locking the door. I smiled when he responded with the same aggressiveness. I opened my mouth to let his tongue explore inside.

I couldn't believe why I thought Anika's kiss felt magical since it's the same feeling I'm feeling now while kissing my boyfriend.

I'm just overthinking. This kiss is way better than Anika's.

C'mon, Monique, stop thinking about her and just continue kissing your boyfriend passionately.

My hands wandered around his body just like what I usually do whenever we're making out.

But when I was trying to touch his manhood, I froze when I felt odd. This ain't a guy's sex organ. It's so soft, so smooth, and soooo......wet?

I automatically pulled back and opened my eyes and looked the person I am with.

"OH MY FUCKING SHIT!" I cursed when I saw who I was making out with the whole time.

She was looking at me in utter shock while still panting.

"Anika?" I couldn't believe it? What was she doing outside the bathroom door? I heard my boyfriend's voice a while ago so I was pretty sure that it was him that I was kissing.

So that explains the feeling when I thought she was Mike. Oh fuck!

"I-I---" she stuttered.

If we're not in this situation, I would've smiled when I saw her stuttering and her lips shivering while trying to avoid my gaze. 

When my gaze stopped at her lips, I gathered all my strength just to stop myself from kissing her again.

Why Anika? Why the fuck do you have this stupid effect on me?

"I'm sorry Anika, I didn't mean to kiss you. I thought you were Mike because he was calling me a while ago. It's my fault that I didn't look at you first before kissing you. I'm really sorry." I apologized. And before she could say anything, I hurriedly got out of the restroom and ran as fast as I can away from her.

Good Lord, I freaking kissed her again! FUCK! Why are you so stupid, Monique? What will she think about you now? That you randomly kiss everyone inside the restroom? How will you look at her again without that weird feeling? Why does it feel so good? Why does her lips taste so good? And oh, before I forgot, when I tried to touch her, why was she wet? Was it because of the kiss? Because of me?

How willI answer all this questions?! UGH! What do I do now?

"Baby!" I stopped running when I heard Mike's voice. Oh, I almost forgot about him.

I tried to compose myself before looking at him. I don't want him asking me questions if he noticed that I'm not my usual self.

"Hey Baby." I tried to sound excited.

I smiled when he pouted because he's so damn cute when he does that.

"Where were you? I was looking for you for almost an hour now? I thought you already left." he baby talked.

"Aw, sorry Baby, I was in the restroom because of my--my--upset stomach. Yeah. I might have eaten something bad that might caused it." I lied. I hope he buys it.

I was relieved when he nodded.

"I see. It's fine, Baby. Are you okay now? Or do I need to ask Kitty for some meds?" he asked.

I held and caressed his right cheek.

"I'm okay now, Baby. No need to worry, okay?"

He smiled mischievously.

"Do you want to rest at our room for tonight?" he asked hopefully.

I playfully slapped him.

"It's too early, you perv! We have plenty of time to do 'that', okay? We should go to the pool. Kitty told me that she'll wait for me there when I told her that I was going to the restroom." truth is, I'm in the mood to have sex with him tonight because of what happened a while ago. I'm afraid that I might be thinking about Anika the whole time we're doing it that I might moan her name instead of Mike's.

He kissed me first before dragging me where our friends are.

"Oh, I thought you two were already doing the nasty." Kitty playfully said when I took a seat beside her.

"Nah. Too early. I'm still in the mood to party." I said trying to sound excited and happy.

"You okay?" she asked in a low voice.

I smiled at her.

"Of course. Why won't I be okay? I'm just a little thirsty." I answered and took the beer that she handed me.


"Uhmmm-mmm." I sing-songed to let her know that there's nothing wrong with me.

I couldn't tell her what happened with Anika and I in the restroom. I have no idea how will she react if I'll tell her about it, so for now, I'll just keep it to myself.

"So, what are you guys up to?" I asked, trying to change the topic since Kitty was just looking at me like she's trying to confirm if I was lying or not.

"Nothing much. Tyron's just complaining because he wasn't as lucky as you and Mike to kiss the girl of his dreams." Karen said.

I almost spit out my beer when I heard it but when I saw everyone's laughing, I just joined them and tried to act as casual as I can.

"What's the name of the girl again?" I asked.

"Anika." someone answered.

I nodded.

"She's not a bad kisser. I've kissed a few girls for some dares and I would say, she tops them." I said trying to make Tyron jealous. Ha, take that, Ty, I've kissed that girl twice, now.

"Yeah, your kiss was hot. I thought you'll start making out in my carpet. Well, not that I'm complaining. I'd like to see some girl on girl action." Aaron even winked at me when he said that.

"Dream on. You'll never see me engaged with that kind of crap, duh! I have my man here so why would I do it with a girl?" I said. And to erase the images of Anika and I kissing in their minds, I kissed Mike with so much passion in front of them.

We just stopped when I heard them talking about something else. That's more like it. At least, their attention were diverted to something else.

And as for me, I should stop thinking about Anika and that kiss. I really should. Whatever it is that I am feeling might ruin my reputation and popularity, so no. I need to stop.

I have to stop whatever it is.

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