Chapter 5

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"I'm still sleepy." Stacey whined while we're waiting for the bell. It's our first day and I was really excited this morning because I really missed school. My Dad was even telling me that I can skip this week's school since it'll be just 'introduce yourselves' and 'what did you do last summer?' week. I just scoffed and rolled my eyes. Of course he knew that I will never skip school.

It's a lovely morning and I am so excited to meet our new professors and learn the things that they will teach us. Yay for school!

"Who isn't?" Jonas seconded. "Who would want to go to school this early? It's just what, 7am? I should still be sleeping around this time."

"ANIKA!/NIKS!" Stacey and Carlie answered at the same time.

"I mean look at her. Can't you see the excitement that's written or her face? Try to ask her what she did yesterday." my best friend continued.

And as prepared as I am, I stood proudly and faced them.

"Well, as you can see, since you guys want to know what I did yesterday, let me elaborate them to you." I started. "Since I was bored because I've already finished reading all the books that the school gave us for this school year, I tried to re-read my favorite Iliad and Oddysey. Who won't like to re-read the story of Troy? The Trojan war. Argamemnon and Achilles' fight. Oh, and my favorite part will be---" I scowled when somebody interrupted what I was saying.

"Oh my God, can somebody put something inside Anika's mouth for her to shut up? I really don't need to listen to her yadas about that war. We've heard that story for over a million times and my ears hurt. So please, make her stop." of course, that'll be Stacey. Her and her big mouth!

I gave her a glare but she just shrugged. Carlie and Jonas were both chuckling and I think they're agreeing with Stace. Some friends they are, ugh!

"You should really need to get laid." she continued.

"Crude much, Stace?" who gave her the audacity to say bold things like that?

"And I am proud. Thank you." she said giving me a smug smile.

"Niks, I have a question." we heard Jonas said, so I looked at him and smile.

"Ask away." I sadi excitedly. I am pretty much prepared because I read all the pages that our professors will---

"Who's the better kisser, Mike or Monique." or not. What the hell? Why do I need to answer a lame question like that?

And just when I was trying to avoid and forget about the whole incident. Or whatever happened at the party. Especially when, uhm, nevermind.

"I won't answer that." I told him with a serious tone.

He had no idea how hard it is to forget something like that. Like that kiss. That lips. And specially the person who kissed me twice. Fuck!

"Oh. I like your question, J. But isn't it obvious? She pushed Mike when he kissed her, remember?" I sensed some bitterness when Stacey said that.

"Because he just kissed me without asking permission! I was shocked and I didn't know what to do so I just pulled away as fast as I could." I said defending myself.

"And Monique did?"

I nodded.

"So you allowed her to suck your mouth and--"

"Oh my God, stop!" they need to stop. The images are replaying and the sensation and magical feeling that I felt that time is coming back and I couldn't allow that. I shouldn't. After all, it's just a game.

"What? I was just asking and why are you blushing?" Carlie teased, AGAIN.

"I am not blushing. I just want you to stop talking about it since it's just part of the game. I don't want Monique or any of her friends hear us talking about it." I said.


"BECAUSE IT IS JUST A GAME AND THERE'S NO BIG DEAL ABOUT IT." I answered trying to control my temper.

"Well, you're the one who's making a big deal out of it. We're just merely asking questions and you just acted like that." Jonas said defending himself.

"I'm not. I just don't think that it's proper to talk about it  since Monique has a boyfriend and I just want to forget about the whole incident."

"Again, why?" why can't they just stop. That's all I'm asking.

"Can we just change the topic, please?" I asked. I'm not really that comfortable to talk about the kiss.

Jonas shrugged and just asked something to Stacey. I was relieved when they get indulged to whatever they were talking about.

But when I looked at Carlie, she gave me a look saying that it ain't over yet and I should tell her everything or else. I nodded and gave her smile. I really couldn't hide anything from her. She really knew me that much.

The whole room went quiet and we all know what's the reason behind it. Of course, they're here.

I tried not to look at them since there's someone that I didn't want to see.

Really Anika? You really not trying to look for her this morning? If I remembered correctly, you took the 'long cut' in going into your first class because you tried to walk past the student body room to check if Monique was already there.

I certainly did not. I was just, uhm checking the whole school and I just want to familiarize it. Yeah, that's just it!

Really? Do you really think that I'll believe that? You're just trying to familiarize a school that you've been studying at for almost 5 years? Why? Did they change something?

Will you just stop? You're not helping.

I am trying to help you realize something.

I don't need your help and I don't know what your talking about so shut up!

"So, how's the debate going on, Anika?" I was brought back at the present by that question.

"Debate?" I questioned.

"You were pouting so I assumed that your debating with your other self again. So, who won?" Carlie asked while chuckling.

They really love making fun of me. Tsk!

"I wasn't. I was just. Uhm—"

I stopped talking when I looked at the doorway and saw Monique and Mike being intimate with each other again. Well, what's new? They've been like that eversince.

They walked past through us and she didn't even look at me. What do I expect? That because of that kiss, we'll be in speaking terms? That we'll be chummies? Nah. As if. Nothing's changed. We're just classmates and after this year, I won't see her again.

So I better just focus in studying and not in something that might actually be a problem in the future.

When I looked at her, she's now kissing her boyfriend again infront of all our classmates. Wow, so much public display. Why don't they just look for an empty classroom or just use some lockers to do whatever they want to do. Just not infront of us. Of me.

And why does he enjoy kissing her?

"Well, she's not that good of a kisser." that's what I tell myself everytime I remember the way she kissed me when we were in the bathroom.

The class got quiet again and they all looked at me.

I raised my eyebrow. What's their problem?

It finally hit me when Mike and Monique stopped kissing and looked at me.

Oh shit, did I say it loud? Oh no.

When I looked at my friends, they are nodding as if confirming what I was thinking.

When I looked at Monique again, I saw something in her eyes that gave me the chills.

OH FUCK! This won't end good.

Good luck Anika, good luck.

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