Chapter 25

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"Hey girls, I'm your waitress for today. May I have your orders?" I smiled and nodded at the new girl when she handed us the menu. Well, I used to hate her, but she's alright now. She told me that she doesn't like Anika that way. She said that she's like a sister to her, so, she's out of my hate list- well, for now.

"Charlie? What are you doing here?" Anika looked so shocked when she saw her friend in front of us. Then she looked around and was surprised even more when she saw Kitty and her friends waving at us. "Carlie? I thought you're already home?" She asked again, but her friends just waved their hands and got back to what they were doing.

Anika pouted when she didn't get an answer, and she was really cute. I was just trying to control myself or else, I'd kiss her in front of our friends.

"We'll have your specialty, new girl. Or whatever your chef will cook." I said when Anika didn't take the menu. And why is there a menu in the first place? Will they be cooking the ones we'll order if ever? No, right? Because they only prepared the ones I told them this afternoon. Weirdos!

"Give us 15-20 minutes before serving your meals. In the meantime, try to get to know each other more. Ciao ciao!" the new girl said before walking away. She even winked at me before she turned away. Annoying.

When I saw that Anika was giggling, I looked at her while raising my brows.

"What's funny?" I asked, trying to sound irritable, but I'm failing because she's just too cute and I couldn't stay mad at her. Oh c'mon Monique, when did you become such a sappy person? I never thought that I'd ever be like this. And it's even surprising that I'm liking this new version of myself. I guess, there's always a first time for everything.

She shrugged and continued her giggling.

"It's just refreshing to see you and Charlie talking to each other. I can still remember the time when you were jealous of her because you saw us hugged each other. And now, you're good friends." she said and I looked at her incredulously.

"What are you talking about? Are you crazy? We're not even friends. SHE'S YOUR FRIEND and not mine, okay? I talked to her because she asked for our orders." I explained. Me, friends with that loser? Never gonna happen, ew.

She nodded but I know that she didn't believe me because she's still smiling and even wiggling her eyebrows.

"If you say so. I understand if you're still in denial. I've been there." she said and eyed her. Seriously, she looks cute and annoying at the same time.

"Whatever. Let's talk about something else. Your friend is still annoying." I said and she giggled even more. Oh wow, I'm glad that she isn't taking me seriously. Please note the sarcasm.

"Anika!" I used my bitchy voice and I was glad that she stopped. At least it's still working for her.

"Okay fine. Let's talk." she said.

I nodded. That's more like it.

"Why did you ask me to go on a date with you tonight? What were you thinking back then?" she asked and I was taken aback. Can we just talk about her friend again? It's annoying but at least, I know what to say about that girl. But this question? Ugh! So damn straight, Anika.

But what was I really thinking this afternoon when I asked her that? The answer is, I don't know. When Mike asked me out on a date, she was the one I was thinking about. I was like, what if she's the one who's asking me on a date? What if I take her out on a dinner or something? There's a lot of questions that were in my mind that time and when I saw her standing behind in the restroom, I didn't know what happened, but the only thing I knew was, she was shocked when I asked her that question and I didn't even let her speak because I was too anxious that time. I didn't know if I can take it if she'll reject my invitation.

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