Chapter 17

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"Sis? Sissy? Are you here?" I wiped my tears when I heard Kitty's voice outside the cubicle. I don't understand why my fucking tears fell when I heard what Anika said. I knew that I've hurt her because of what I said about her and that new girl. But she didn't understand what I felt when I saw them hugging and being that close this morning.

She had no idea how excited I was to see her after our conversation in her room. Truth is, I didn't want to leave yet, but I have to. My Mom's been texting me nonstop. She said that Mike was there and been waiting for me for an hour. I told her to tell Mike that I'm still 'studying' at Kitty's but she forced me to go home to entertain MY BOYFRIEND. I don't know why my parents like him. He's such and egoistic, arrogant, disrespectful and all the negative traits that you can think of, he has it. I swear. I just need him that's why I had to be with him.

When I left, I didn't understand why I was missing her presence. I was also tempted to go back when I realized that I wasn't able to get her number. I know, I was an idiot for not asking, but I was planning to get it today.

I was smiling when I saw her, but it disappeared when I saw her with the new girl. I know they're friends, but I wasn't sure why I felt something in my chest. I couldn't breathe. I wanted to cry, but why? It was an unfamiliar feeling. I always see Mike flirting with other girls, but I don't feel this way. I just shrug and let it go because at the end of the day, I know that Mike will always choose me. I'm the queen, DUH!

But with Anika, it's different. I was scared that I might lose her or she might change her mind because of the new girl's presence. I know it's pathetic, but because of what I felt, I tried to confront her and say mean things to her. I accused her of flirting with the new girl and now, I think I totally lost her.

I can still feel her palm on my cheek, but it's fine. I totally deserved it. But man, that stung!

"Sis?" I heard Kitty called again.

"Yeah, I'm here. Just an upset stomach." I said casually, hoping that she won't get a hint that I cried a while ago.

"AGAIN?! Oh wow, you should have it checked." she suggested. I heaved a sigh of relief when she bought it again.

"Yeah. I will. And can you tell our next professor that I won't be able to attend the next class? I'll have it checked, then I'll go home and rest." I said trying to hide my face.

"You sure you're okay?" she said while eyeing me.

I nodded.

"I need to go. I'll just text you. Bye, Sis." then I left and walked as fast as I can to where my car is.

I was about to start it when somebody went in and sat at the passenger seat. I wasn't surprised when I saw my best friend grinning at me. Of course, I knew that she saw my eyes.

"You're not okay." she said full of concern.

"I'll be fine." I assured her.

She shook her head.

"Remember when my asshole ex-boyfriend dumped me for his best friend? You were there for me when I needed someone to comfort me. You didn't leave my side until you were sure that I was okay. And now, it's time for me to return the favor. So, will you tell me now what your problem is? I know that something's been bugging you these past few days. Do you have a problem with Mike?" she asked.

I sighed. I think, I really need to tell her everything.

"Sis, do you know what it is called if you see someone with another person and they're so close to each other and then you just felt like your heart being squeezed and torn into pieces? And you also felt that you couldn't breathe and you just wanted to tell the other person to back off?" I asked. I have an idea about her answer, but I needed to hear it from her.

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