Chapter 22

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"What's with that look, Anika? Why are you glaring at Britney? Was it because of what happened this morning? I thought you've already talked about it? Or did something happen when we you went to the restroom a while ago?" upon hearing that, I turned my head at Stacey's direction and raised one of my eyebrows.

"NOTHING HAPPENED! Why do you always think that every time I go to that fucking restroom with Mo-Britney, we are either kissing or making out? Well, for your information, we don't always do that! So stop accusing me of something if you don't know the facts" I said, annoyed.

"Oh wow, she just confirmed that they made out again a while ago." Carlie uttered so I looked at her irritably.

"Did you not hear what I said?" I shook my head and gave them a sullen glance.

"I know you so well, A. I know that the reason that you're being defensive now is because we were able to guess what you two did a while ago." of course, I couldn't hide anything from them. That's the disadvantage when your friends know everything about you.

"It's not just 'making out'." I mumbled while looking at Monique who's been practicing their routines.

"Oh-kay. That was fast and unexpected. I never thought that you'll get deflowered inside the restroom." I automatically looked at Stacey and hit her forehead.

"Ouch!" she yelped.

"SHE DIDN'T DEFLOWER ME, STACEY! She fucking seduced me and then leave me hanging after when I was getting—"

"Horny? Well, that sucks! She always does that to you. Why are you allowing her to do that? You can tell her that she couldn't keep on making you horny and then leave you hanging before you orgasm. Tell her that if she does it again, you'll grab a random stranger to fill the horniness that SHE caused you." I sighed.

"She just got even. I seduced her first when were in the cafeteria. I was just trying to make her pay for what she did this morning." I explained. I didn't want them to think that Monique did what she did a while ago just because she wanted to.

"Wait, you seduced her when we were eating?" Charlie asked. "But she was with Justin Timberlake back then." she added.

I nodded.

I was suprised when Carlie gave me an annoyed look. Oh wow, what did I do?

"You witch! Why did you do that? What were you thinking, Anika? You didn't think that her boyfriend might see what you two were doing. Don't you know how scandalous will it be? You're being bullied now because you're a nerd, and if everyone will know that you and Britney are doing the nasty behind Justin's back, he will get all the sympathy of the students and you will be bullied more than what you're experiencing right now, and worse, you will drag Britney down with you." she was using a low voice but I can hear her annoyance because of what I did.

"If you want to continue whatever it is that you have, please do it discreetly. We wouldn't want you to get into trouble and be bullied by the Neanderthals." she continued.

"She has a point, Anika. I know that you girls feel so much sexual tension, but just keep it in your pants. This is not the right time to out yourselves. Think of Britney, and think about yourself." Charlie seconded.

Stacey and Jonas both nodded, so I pressume that they both agreed to the Cs.

I sighed.

"I know. I followed her to the restroom to apologize, but when I see her all red and wet," all their eyes widen when they heard what I said. Ugh! Greens! "I was pertaining to her face, you pervs! She was washing her face." I chuckled. I couldn't believe that they thought that I will see Monique's 'wetness'. Well, I want to, but not now. It'a way early for that.

"Before your green minds rudely interrupt what I saying, uhm where was I? Oh yeah, so there, when I entered and saw how aroused she was because of my little show in the cafeteria, I tried to tease her again, but it backfired. She's a better seducer than I am." I confessed.

"Of course she is! Everyone is better than you, Ms. Prude!" Stacey chuckled. I ignored her comment. Though I know that I am no prude.

"So you were glaring at Monique because of that?" Charlie asked while looking at Monique.

I nodded.

"She should be the one glaring at you. But look, her face brightened when she saw that you are here and watching her. And look at how she's doing her routines now, it's as if she's trying to impress someone, and that someone is you." she said and when I looked at Monique, she was right. She was more energetic than she was when we entered the gym.

"So if I were you, I'll apologize to her and ask her for a date." I gave Stacey and incredulous look. What is she talking about? Why would I ask Monique for a date. We're not even a thing. As we said before, we're just girls who like kissing each other. That's all. Well, before. But now, I'm not so sure if we can do feelings. She got jealous when she saw Charlie and I hugged but that doesn't mean that she'll agree to take off that rule. So yeah, asking her for a date is a no-no, I think.

"Why would I even date her? Did you forget that she already has a boyfriend?" I asked.

"Because we all know that you want to. The way you two are looking at each other, we wouldn't believe that what you're feeling for each other is pure lust. We don't think so. If it's just 'lust', she wouldn't get jealous when
I hugged you. So, whatever it is that you have right now, we all know that it's something special. You can't deny that." Charlie uttered.

"So, if I were you, I would try to ask her for a date. There's no harm in trying. You'll never know, but maybe, she's just waiting for you to ask her." Jonas said after he elbowed me.

Oh wow, I do have supportive friends. But I'm not sure if I'm ready for this. I never had a relationship with anyone before, so I have no idea about how to ask someone or what to do on a date.

"She won't do it." Carlie said after some seconds, so we gave her questioning looks. I thought she's 'IN' on this?

"She's a coward. She won't ask Britney because she doesn't want to be rejected. She wasn't sure if Britney wants to be with her, or will agree to go out on a date with her." she said while shrugging.

Our three friends seemed to agree AGAIN with Carlie.

"I got your point, C1." Charlie nodded.

"Thanks, C2." if I was not in this freaking situation, I could've laughed because of they called each other. What are they, the Cananas in Pyjamas? Lol.

But I know what they're trying to do and I will never fall for it.

"Let's just forget what we said. I think, it'll be best if Anika—-"

Jonas was interrupted by a voice which I know very well who the owner is.

"Hey girls. I'm glad that you're here to watch us. So, what's up?" and before I could think straight, I looked at her and asked.

"Will you go out on a date with me, Monique?" I covered my mouth when I realized what I just said.


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