Chapter 12

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"Anikaaaaaaaaaa!" and before I could ask why Stacey yelped, I felt a cold sensation dripping down from my head to my face. I touched my hair and felt that it's kind sticky and I could smell the faintest hint of coffee. Oh great. I was only trying to enjoy my breakfast, for god sake!

"Niks, are you okay?" Carlie worriedly asked while wiping my face with some hand towels.

I sighed. Do I look okay? Out of all the students here in the cafeteria, why was I the one who got this lucky?

"Oops, sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I was just walking and trying to enjoy my iced coffee, then I felt someone tripped me and so I accidentally spilled it on you." I heard someone said behind me. Wow, so much of an apology. I can sense that she wasn't really sorry and that it wasn't really an accident.

I looked at her and saw a smirking cheerleader. I knew it.

"It wasn't an accident, you bitch! You intentionally spilled your coffee on Anika! We saw you!" Stacey lunged forward and grabbed the cheerleader's collar.

"You loser! Who the fuck do you think you are? Unhand me now or else--" the other girl threatened but we can she that she's afraid of what my friend would do to her.

"Or else what?" I saw Stacey clenching her other fist. Oh no, this won't end good. I need to do something.

"Slap her, slap her, slap her!

"Punch her in the face! She deserves that!"

"C'mon hot momma! We want some action!" I glared at the other students. Seriously?

I held Stacey's arm to stop her from whacking the the cheerleader. I wouldn't want her to get into trouble because of me.

"Stace, stop. It's fine. I'm fine. Let her go, please?" I pleaded.

She sighed but glowered at the cheerleader when she let go.

"You'll pay for this, bitch!" I almost chuckled. As if. She was helpless when Stacey grabbed her a while ago and her so-called friends were chanting with the other students. They didn't even helped her when she was looking at them. "By the way Anika, Monique says hello." then she smirked again while looking at what she did to me before storming out the cafeteria.

My mouth formed on 'o'. So Monique was the one who told her to do this.

I should've known. I never thought that she'll stoop to this level. Why does she hate me that much? Was it because of what happened between us? I thought we're both trying to forget that incident?

"Oh Gods, Lopez, what are you okay? I saw what happened. Somebody uploaded it in facebook!" Charlie asked when she saw us walking towards the restroom.

Oh wow. They really put it in facebook? For what, to make fun of me? Assholes!

"They did what? Ugh! Just wait till I get my hands on her again! That bitch, she just humiliates Anika in the caf, and now she wants the whole world to know how much of a bitch she was?!" Stacey was fuming mad.

"Let it go, Stacey. It wasn't her fault. She just followed her captain's order." I said.

"Monique? Your girlfriend?" I immediately shush Charlie when I she said that. Dammit! What if someone heard she said?

I shoot daggers at her.

"She is not my girlfriend, okay? And please stop saying her name. I don't want anyone to hear that we're talking about her." I told her in a low voice.

"We call her Britney. So if you want to talk about her, which we always do, use that name."  Jonas whispered.

"I see." Charlie nodded. "Speaking of Britney, I think I may know the reason why she was being a bitch to Anika." we stopped walking when we heard her say that.

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