Chapter 42

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"Ha! I told you, look, she's here! The bitch is over there." I woke up to the sound of that voice. I thought I was dreaming when I heard that my door opened. Ugh! But how did they know that I was here? Who told them? Just when I really wanted to be alone, and tada, they're here. Great. SO GREAT.

Can I pretend that I'm still sleeping until they get bored and leave me alone? I think I can do that. I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell them everything. I'm not even sure if last night was true or it's just another nightmare. Or I really don't want to believe that the family that once I thought was perfect, isn't really perfect at all.

So I went to my condo instead of going back to my parent's house. I'm not ready to talk to them again. I need more time. So, I'm really surprised that my friends are here. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. I need my 'me time' to think about everything that has happened.

"Anika, you're not a good actress. We know you're awake. Why don't you open your eyes and follow us to your kitchen/dining area so we can start eating breakfast. I'm starving. So please, stop pretending that you're asleep. Or else, I'd tell Charlie to bring our food here in your room, so we can mess this up a little bit." I automatically opened my eyes and got up when I heard what Stacey said. No. They can't do that. Not in my room.

I was about to say speak but Stacey stopped me from doing so. 

"Before you open your mouth to say something, you should brush your teeth first. We don't want to smell your stinking breath this early." then they all laughed after that.

I glared at them before entering the restroom. I should still be sleeping if these intruders didn't disturb my not so peaceful sleep.

I went to the dining area after brushing my teeth. They were all waiting for me and they really seemed hungry since they were all looking at the food when I saw them.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I took my seat beside Jonas.

"Stop asking stupid questions, Anika. Let us eat first, okay? And you too. You need to eat because you'll need more energy later?" Stacey said while munching her food.

"And why is that?" I asked. I'm not really in the mood, but I know that they will still force me to eat the food that's on the table.

"Because we need to know the reason why Tita Nikka called me this morning and was worried about your whereabouts." oh. So that's why they're here. Did Mom tell Carlie everything? Or just the part that I didn't go home last night?

"Was that all she said? I mean, was she just asking if I was with you or not?" I asked while looking at them. I noticed that Charlie's been quiet and wasn't saying anything. I guess she already knew the reason why I was here.

But I'm still annoyed that she didn't even tell me everything that she knows. Yes, she said that it's not her story to tell, but she's supposed to be on my side, right? Real friends don't keep secrets from each other, duh!

"Yep. But I sensed that there's a problem, and you wouldn't sleep here if it's just petty. So after we eat, you need to tell us what happened, okay?" then she put some food in my plate.

"What if I don't like? I'm not in the mood to talk." I said sighing.

"What about not keeping secrets, huh?" Stacey asked, and I looked at Charlie.

"Why don't you answer that one, Charlie? You've kept a very sensitive and important secret from us, right? Especially from myself." I said sarcastically and all our friends turned to her.

"Charlie?" they asked.

She sighed and looked at me.

"Again, I kept it because I don't want you to hear it from me. Your parents should be the ones to tell you the truth about your family." she said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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