Chapter 14

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"M-monique." I muttered while looking at her.

She came. She's here. She didn't forget about our conversation this morning.

She rolled her eyes and went inside my car. She sat on the passenger seat.

"Duh. Are you waiting for someone else?" she asked with a hint of sarcasm.

I shook my head furiously.

"NO! Of course not! Why would I wait for someone else? You're the one I like!" she smiled when she heard what I said. Ugh! It's too soon, Anika! "I-I mean, you're the one I'd like to talk to. W-we need to talk right?" ugh! Why am I stuttering? It's not helping. I don't want her to think that I like her because I don't. I can't.

"Really? So you wanted to talk but you're trying to ditch me?" ugh! So snappy.

"Hey! In my defense, I thought you weren't coming. We agreed to meet at 4pm and it's almost 5. I was thinking that you're busy with your boyfriend or something so you forgot about it." I said.

She nodded and grinned.

"Was there a hint of jealousy in your voice? Do you like my boyfriend?" she asked.

I looked at her with a 'duh' expression.

"If I like your boyfriend, he should be the one I'm kissing, not you." I said rolling my eyes.

"Point taken." she said while nodding and then she smirked. "So you're kissing me because you like me?"

"I didn't say that."

"But that was you meant by what you said a while ago. But it's okay, I'm used to it. What's not to like about me?" she said while faking a sigh.

"Oh wow, so modest." I chuckled.

"So I've been told." she winked at me, so I rolled my eyes.

"Hmm. Yeah right. So, can we start talking? I wouldn't want to take all your time. You might need to meet your boyfriend after this." I said while trying to sound casual. I would be disappointed if she'll go home and do something with Mike, but I'm not the position to get hurt or get jealous. I'm just a classmate and that's her boyfriend.

I wasn't sure if she's trying to look cute or something, but she put both of her hands onher cheeks and looked at me while smiling.

"I'm all yours, Anika. I cleared my sched for this 'talk'. You can do whatever you want with me." she said while wiggiling her eyebrows.

UGH! Why does she have to be this cute?

"Uhuh, cleared your sched, but you're late. Yeah, right." I said trying to ignore her cute face.

"Well, we had to meet the coach after the game, and as captain, I needed to teach the new ones our new routines. Actually, we're not finished yet, but I didn't want you to wait any longer, so I just made an excuse to be here with you." she explained.

"You could've sent me a message that you're going to be late." I argued.

"I don't have your number." she said shrugging.

RIGHT. Of course. How can she text me if she doesn't have my number.

"And speaking of the game, why weren't you looking at me when we were doing the routines? I was always looking at your direction but you're either watching the game or talking to your friends." she asked raising her eyebrows.

"You were looking at me?"

She scowled.

"Duh! I even smiled at you, remember?"

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