Chapter 40

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Growing up, I idolized my parents because I saw how much they love each other, and I can still see it now. They were even in a long distance relationship for how many years because of Dad's work, but that didn't break them up. It even made their love stronger. Of course, like normal couple, there are fights and misunderstandings, but they always make up every time. As my father always says, 'my love for your mother is stronger than any pain that I feel whenever we are fighting'. In my eyes, they are the best parents in the whole world, the universe rather.  The one that we can all consider as the perfect couple.

So don't blame me if I'm being paranoid because of what I saw a while ago. And then there's Charlie's reaction. I couldn't understand why my father was in the church, and then looking at Klarisse while crying. What was his connection with that girl? Am I just overthinking? Maybe, he was just stopping by that church to pray, and then he saw how Klarisse was teary-eyed while walking down the aisle, and he just got carried away. Yeah, that's it!

I shook my head. No, Charlie wouldn't have stopped me if that's just the case. Oh my God, is she my father's mistress? Was that the reason why my father was crying while looking at her? Was he hurt because she's married to another girl? Meh, nope, I don't think so. He didn't look at her the way Charlie's looking at Klarisse. I need to know the connection between my father and Charlie's best friend.

C'mon, Anika, think. You need to think harder. Charlie's reactions whenever she's talking about you being a Lopez.

Right. Another Lopez.

At least now I know that not all Lopez' are smart-ass.

Then, the shock on your father's face when she saw that Charlie's with you. And the way they look when you introduce them to each other.

Nice to meet you, young lady. I'm sorry about that. I thought I know you. You're kind of familiar. .

"Well, Mr. Lopez, this face is unique.

It was nice meeting you, Charlize

Wait, I never said Charlie's real name when I introduced her. How did he know that if that's the first time that they've seen each other?

Then Charlie's words when we were in the car on our way to Kitty's slumber party.

Trust me, Anika, you'll meet her. Not now, but soon.

Is she—Is Klarisse—no. No, that can't be. Dad will never do that to Mom. He loves her so much. He will never cheat on her. There's no way that Klarisse is his daughter. I mean, how? If I have the same age as Klarisse's, it'll only mean that my Dad cheated on Mom years ago, and that girl was the aftermath of that mistake.

I chuckled when I realized that I was just overthinking.

Of course not. Dad will never do that to us. He tells us everything. So there's no way that he'll keep that very sensitive information from us. Maybe she's my cousin. Tito Mark's daughter. I remembered him saying that his daughter is almost same as my age. He told us her name, but I forgot. Maybe that's Klarisse. That'll explain why Dad was crying while watching the wedding.

"Anika, dinner is ready! Your Dad's here." Oh right, Mom is here. How can I ask Dad about Klarisse without Mom knowing it? I need to talk to Dad first before saying anything to Mom. I don't want to hurt her feelings if ever my second assumption is true.

"Coming, Mom." I tried to sound casual.

I inhaled deeply before walking towards the dining table. I need to compose myself if I don't want her to think that something's bothering me.

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