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Zorayanna Pov 

¨I don't want anybody to know right now about me being pregnant.¨ I told demario as we was sitting down in the cheesecake factory. 

¨I'm sure It ain't go take long for everyone to figure It ou¨. He chuckled.

¨I don't remember being this hungry when I was pregnant with Torayanna.¨ I groaned while looking down at all my food. My cravings was so ridiculous. I ordered chicken tenders and fries, hamburger and fries, cheese pasta and chicken, hot wings and fries, and a full size oreo cheesecake. To take home I ordered a full size strawberry cheesecake, and a oreo cheesecake. Is this shit even normal.

¨Mommy you eat a lot¨. Torayanna said looking across the table at me with disgust. 

¨You just mad that you can't eat like me. Admit It that your mama is the finest women ever¨. I retorted while playfully rolling my eyes.

"Girl bye¨. She laughed while patting her head. I swear this girl is starting to act just like me. My baby only 3 and acts like she's 30.

¨Why ya'll not eating¨. I asked.

¨Because we waiting on you¨. Demario laughed.

¨Come on I'm full¨. I smirked while getting up to grab my to go boxes but Demario grabbed It from my hands. 

¨Up mommy up¨. Torayanna said reaching up for me. I sighed and picked her up. I already knew demario was go be tripping saying she was to heavy and I'm four months pregnant.   

"Put her down she too heavy for you". Demario scoffed and I placed her down. He was right she was too heavy. I felt a little pain in my side from when she kicked me.

"Pick me up I wanna go up up up". Torayanna whined before falling down to the ground to start her tantrums. My grandma said once she get use to me she go start acting up.

"Getcho behind up off that ground". Demario gritted while placing the bags In the car. He turned around and she was laying down on the ground crying. He snatched her up off the ground and popped her behind causing her to scream and cry loudly.

He tried to place her In her seat belt but she kept kicking him and screaming. He popped her legs about four times and she finally allowed him to sit her down and strap her in the car seat.

"And since your little ass wanna show out you won't be going over your cousins house tomorrow". Demario scoffed while backing out of the driveway.

I turned around and my baby looked so sad. She was trying to dry her tears but she couldn't stop them from falling down.

"I wanna go to auntie house daddy". She cried. "I wanna go to auntie house". 

"Little girl didn't I say be quiet". He hissed looking at her through the rear view mirror. She folded her hands and started pouting while her lips was poked out.

"Act just like her damn mama". Demario mumbled while looking ahead of the road. I rolled my eyes and reached my hand In the back so Torayanna could grabbed her hands.

"You so mean". I mumbled looking at him. "Daddy be mean Tora". I asked In a baby voice and she nodded her head.

"Chill out Zorayanna." He sternly Said.

"I'm just playing baby but there's something I want to discuss with you." I told him.

"What's on your mind". He asked.

"Daddy can I hold your phone". Torayanna asked lowly.

"Here baby girl". Demario said handing her his phone. I knew his ass can't stay mad at her for more than 5 minutes he got her ass spoiled.

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