Chapter Four

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Remember when I said Macy didn't take anything seriously?

"Hold on, he heard you?" She pursed her lips together to stop herself from laughing. "That's so embarrassing." She said solemnly.

I threw my pillow at her. "Mace, do you not see the problem here?" I groaned.

She shook her head. "I don't see the problem actually. It wasn't right for you to make the decision not to tell him. He deserves to at least have the option to make good decisions for his kid."

The bitch was right.

"Mace, can you ever be on my side? Like once? Just to keep things fresh."

She smacked her lips. "I've been on your side from the start. I don't want you doing anything you'll regret."

I flopped onto my bed. "Now I have to tell Kody. Or I could just let King do it and save myself a bus ride."

Macy leaned over and flicked my forehead. "You're going to do it. Want me to drive you over?"

It seemed only right that I get this out of the way right now.

"Sure. Let's stop at Taco Bell on the way back though."

She laughed grabbing her keys off of the hook.

All of a sudden our door was thrown open.

Stella McLean stood in front of us with a wide smile on her face. "Girls, I hope you are ready for festivities."

I shot Macy a warning look before mumbling, "Pop up night?"

Stella beamed. "Pop up Night!" She exclaimed clapping her hands together like a freaking cheerleader.

Pop up night was something Zeta Phi Did once a quarter. We would get dressed up and pop up at some lame bar that was on its last leg and basically make it super popular for the night. Everybody loved it.

Normally I did too but tonight would be a bit different. Tonight I couldn't drink or hook up or smoke or do any of the fun stuff that I normally did when I went out.

Macy went crazy.

"Hell yes. And I just did my hair. I'm about to get wrecked." She said fist pumping.

I clenched my teeth sending Stella a fake smile and a nod as she instructed us to be ready by ten.

"Boy am I glad there's no pea sized fetus sucking the joy out of my college experience." Macy said once we were alone.

I threw my pillow. "You know this means I'll be sober enough to snitch on you for flirting with random guys. You know I like Jamie better than you."

Not completely true and not completely a lie.

Macy shrugged. "He knows who he's with. If he doesn't like it, the key is under the mat."

I stared at her analogy.

She walked to the closet going through her messy pile of clothes. "So we're going to postpone this trip to Kody's house right?" She asked studying a shimmering red top.

"Yeah." I said softly also walking to the closet. My clothes were hung up neatly on the other side.

"Okay, So since your not drinking tonight, I actually am gonna get wrecked. You gonna watch out for me?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. But next month when I have morning sickness you have to spoil me until I feel better. "

She leaned over quickly placing a smacking kiss on my forehead. "It's gonna be my pleasure. Okay, We ride!"

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