Chapter Thirty Seven

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Kody pulled my door open, before I could gather my thoughts.

"Went joyriding?" He asked in a casual tone as he observed both of our expressions.

Aiden, exhaled deeply. "I'm gonna go for a walk."

When he left without giving me a chance to stop him, I simply turned to Kody. "You're up early." I said conversationally.

He raised a brow, looking after his brother before turning to me. "Where were you guys?"

I took a deep breath already knowing what explaining myself was going to lead to. "You know Aiden's friend? Grace?"

He frowned now, "Of course I know Grace. She's like a little sister to me. What about her?"

So this was going to be harder than I thought. I explained the situation to Kody and although I could see the anger forming on his face, he didn't interrupt me.

When I finished he dragged a hand through his hair, groaning. "Aiden will find out if anything happened." He explained looking towards the way Aiden had walked.

I took a deep breath, "I actually told him I would talk to her."

Kody shook his head, "If I know my brother, he's on his way to her house right now. She lives around the block."

Wow. So Aiden had played me. "Damn it." I hissed. "She's not going to want to talk to him."

Kody shook his head. "He's not going to give her a choice."

I understood where he was coming from. Aiden didn't seem like the type to let Grace's attitude get in the way of him finding out what was wrong with her.

I sighed.  "Okay, well I guess I'm going to go in before your dad wakes up to all this commotion."

Kody nodded, letting me pass him. "I'm going to go have a little chat with Bryce. "

I stopped mid-step, slowly turning to him. "What is up with you Vincent's? Why is violence always the answer for you guys?"

He shrugged, heading towards his car. "There won't be violence unless Bryce wants there to be violence. "

I remebered how Bryce had egged Aiden on, no doubt Kody wouldn't take it as well. "I'll go with you then. Keep the peace."

He frowned, "That's not a good idea, Bryce is a bit of a pervert. If you're with me he's going to say some comment that's going to do the opposite of keep the peace."

I waved him off. "Been there, done that." I said in a nonchalant tone as I reached for the passenger's door.

Kody froze. "What do you mean 'been there, done that'?"

I raised a brow. "Who do you think spoke to Bryce today?"

When Kody just stared at me I pulled the passenger's door open slowly before turning back to him. "He's a dick. And even though I don't know Grace, I don't want her around him."

He grabbed my arm now, stopping me in my careless movements. His eyes were narrowed, a frown was plastered on his face now.

"He touch you?"

I now understood how he and his brother's rage differed. Aiden was good at shutting his out, he became really calm and collected when he was about to blow. It was like he had supernatural control.

Kody did not.

I saw every ounce of his anger in his eyes and I knew exactly what his plans were.

I sighed, "Kody don't-"

He cut me off. "Aiden will tell me."

I groaned. Because in all reality Bryce had just been a creep. He'd been a little too touchy sure,  but that was it. However, because the Vincent boys were cavemen, it was going to sound like he came at me fists flying.

"I slapped at him." I said slowly trying to explain. "I hit his hand away from me and he grabbed my wrist, pushing it away from him." I explained what happened demonstrating by grabbing Kody's wrist and pushing it back. "That was it."

He grabbed both of my wrists, turning them over and nudging the sleeves of my T-shirt up.

The light purple bruises on my right wrist gleamed like diamonds in the sunlight and Kody's eyes flamed.

"You know I easily bruise." I said calmly. He did know. Kody had even put a few on me from grabbing me too roughly during sex. We'd had a full discussion on it. I'd decided it had something to do with my iron deficiency.

"You know I easily don't give a fuck." He tossed back. He walked around the car pulling the door open. "Go in the house Ezra. I mean it."

I crossed my arms. "It's five in the morning. Let's just sleep on it."

I was exhausted, I just realized it. It was actually hard for me to keep my eyes open.

"You sleep on it. You look like your about to faint. I'll be right back. I'm just going to talk to him."

Yeah right.

"Kody, why do we always seem to have this argument?" I asked throwing my hands up in frustration. This was something we always disagreed on, Kody and his violent tendencies.

He closed the door soundlessly, walking towards me now with an exhausted expression.

"We always have this argument because you can't seem to understand that if some guy puts his hands on you, if some guy says some disrespectful shit to you-" his eyes darkened as if he'd just thought of something. "Or if some guy spreads some shitty rumor about you it's going to piss me off."

The rumor bit made me widen my eyes. Kody didn't pause.

"We have this argument because instead of telling me shit that bothers you, you force me to accidentally find shit out, because for some reason you feel like having someone stand up for you makes you weak."

I opened my mouth to argue but I didn't have an argument. He was right.

"Kody, the Jaxon thing-"

He cut me off. "You should have told me. I don't like finding shit out through the grapevine."

Since the rumor had something to do with him I guess I should have told him.

"And you wouldn't have told me that Bryce grabbed you if I hadn't asked."

His voice was so detached that it made me reach my arms up and wrap them around his neck. "Because, I didn't want you to overreact. I'm not a violent person Kody. I don't feel the need to get even with everyone. Not over rumors or petty shit."

"Putting bruises on you isn't petty shit." He mumbled his hands slowly curving around my waist.

"You know how easily I bruise. He didn't try to hurt me. He's just a creep."

His lips were against mine now as he spoke softly in between light kisses. "I don't care if he meant to bruise you. I care that he did. So I'm going to go talk to him."

I couldn't pay attention to anything besides the way my head began to spin. I tightened my hold on him trying to simultaneously pull him closer and speak. "Just talk." I demanded scraping my teeth against him bottom lip.

His hand slid up to my neck, tangling in my hair before he pulled me to my toes and deepened the kiss. He kissed me softly as if I was going to break and I felt my legs turn to jelly as he held me against him.

When he pulled back, his eyes holding some emotion that I couldn't put my finger on he simply stated "No" before stepping back and once again sliding into the driver's seat of his car.

I didn't have the slightest clue what he was talking about as I tried to calm the butterflies in my stomach down.

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