Chapter Twelve

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I woke up Friday morning happy. Today was my first day at my new job. Since I worked mornings at the diner, I was able to work nights at Lucky's. That way I was able to keep both jobs.

The uniform was kind of revealing featuring a tight red plaid skirt and a school girl button up that showed a bit of boob. It wasn't too bad and I knew the tips would be worth it.

Also, I had met with Anthony Torres and the apartment was beautiful. It was small but very chic. I had applied immediately. I was just pending approval.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth again. I had one more small thing to get out of the way before I went to work.

The dreaded doctor's appointment.

When Kody found out that I was going to be working for Lucky's, he threw a fit mentioning how he didn't want people looking at me that way.

It would have been sweet if he wasn't such an asshole.

Now I had to ride with him to the doctor's office and play nice. It wasn't going to end good.

I dressed simply, a large long sleeved white T-shirt and a thick pair of black leggings. I paired the outfit with my white Crocs and tied my hair into a high ponytail.

When Kody texted me that he was outside, I sighed making my way to his car.

He held the door open for me and I thanked him politely.

You could cut the tension with a knife.

He drove with a tense hand, his fist clenched on the steering wheel. He didn't speak.

In fact the only sound he made was a grunt when I told him he had missed the turn into the office square.

We parked and exited the car awkwardly with Kody opening the door for me, his face stern with annoyance.

We walked up to the receptionist together, not touching.

She was an older woman with a bright smile and swinging hair. She checked us in before sending us to the third floor.

I was embarrassed, I couldn't help it. Everyone in the office knew I was pregnant. Kody and I didn't look like the families plastered along the walls of the building.

They really needed to add a couple of teen moms.

As we walked to the elevator, Kody cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry. " he said, his voice was low.

I raised a brow turning to him him as he pushed the button to go up.

"Sorry for what?" I asked with a smirk.

He chuckled stepping into the elevator behind me. "Being an asshole. I'm not the boss of you." he sighed before narrowing his eyes. "I don't have to like it."

I nodded. He was right, he didn't have to like it. It didn't change anything.

When the elevator opened we walked together again, this time more relaxed.

There was a young nurse in the exam room who let us know that we wouldn't actually be getting a full ultrasound since they were understaffed before taking some blood tests and asking loads of questions and then finally telling us that the doctor would be right in.

Dr. Bryant introduced herself the minute she walked through the door. She was an older woman with short spiky grey hair.

"Are you dad?"She asked Kody as he stood next to me while I made myself comfortable on the paper covered bed.

He nodded, not taking his eyes off of me.

"Great, I'll explain everything I do so that your not confused."

He nodded again.

Smirking, she lifted my shirt before squeezing a cold jelly onto my bare stomach. When Kody looked confused she laughed.

"This is just so that we can see the baby better. Doesn't hurt mom at all."

He reached a hand out quickly, touching the gel with the tip of his finger and bringing it to his face. "Looks okay." He said to me, as if I was the one who thought it would harm me.

I laughed pushing him away from me. "Get a grip, Vincent ."

And then Kody sent me a blinding smile of pure joy and a cat caught my tongue. He was fucking beautiful.

"So, you're going to want to turn your attention to that screen." Dr. Bryant said gesturing to a flat screen tv that hung on the back wall of the small room.

We both turned to the screen, narrowing our eyes to see in the dimly lit room.

I chewed on my lip as she ran the wand over my stomach causing an image to pop up on the screen.

She tapped in something on the keyboard and then the image cleared up.

"And there is your baby." She said circling the mouse around a dark blob on the screen.

Kody froze, his eyes not blinking as he focused on the screen. "That's the baby?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Dr. Bryant places a hand on her heart. "Yes. I'm so sorry we're understaffed right now so you can't hear the heart beat. I want to do a full ultrasound so we'll schedule that two weeks from now but that is your baby. "

Kody paid careful attention as she pointed out specific body parts letting us know when everything would start to develop.

My vision blurred as my eyes teared up when she told me my baby was the size of a raspberry. Kody grasped my hand squeezing tight.

"I'm going to print out some pictures." Dr. Bryant said casually, like she wasn't witnessing two soon to be parents collectively losing their shit.

"Thank you." Kody said clearing his throat.

She simply hummed practically dancing round the room to turn on the lights. If I thought that was going to snap Kody out of whatever trance he was in, I was mistaken.

Dr. Bryant brought me a towel to wipe off my stomach and then instructed me to meet back with the receptionist to get my pictures and schedule my next appointment.

And then she was gone.

Kody watched me as I wiped the gel off of my stomach, a weird gleam in his eye.

When I was done he hesitated, his fingers an inch from my skin.

"Go ahead." I whispered, knowing what he wanted.

Almost immediately his fingertips brushed my flat stomach- his breath coming out in a whoosh.

"Fuck, Lewis. You really have my kid in there." He locked eyes with me. "We really made a person."

It was stupid but it was true and I understood what he was feeling. Seeing my little raspberry on the screen was a feeling that I couldn't describe.

"I want to be there for the next appointment ." Kody said, bringing my attention back to him. "Can I be there Ezra?"

I nodded. I wanted him to be there. It relaxed me and didn't make me feel so self conscious. "You don't have to ask. It's your baby too. If you want to be there, just be there."

I had no desire to make this hard on him. I actually wanted to make it as easy as possible.

"Okay." Kody said with a small smirk. "I'll be there."

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