Chapter Forty Two

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"Stressing is not good for our baby." Macy mumbled. She was laid out on my couch, her feet resting on Jamie's lap.

I was pacing. "I can't help it. Obviously Kody is in some deep shit. He was supposed to call me back."

Had he said he was going to call me back? I couldn't remember. My head was buzzing.

"Then he's going to call you back. You gotta calm down babe."

The knock on the door had us all freezing. Jamie narrowed his eyes as the room was enveloped in silence.

"I'll answer." He said after a few seconds.

"Super Macho of you." Macy said sarcastically. "Use the peephole."

"It's probably Kody." I said nervously, although the knock was entirely too polite to have come from Kody. He normally banged on my door until I let him in.

Jamie walked up to the door, leaning against it and looking through the peephole.

"It's King." He said quickly, pulling the door open.

King immediately walked into the house his eyes narrowing before settling on me. "You okay?" He asked calmly, not making any effort to move out of the doorway.

I felt Macy and Jamie both staring at me in confusion.

"I'm fine." I raised a brow, remembering that King had been dodging my calls. This was probably going to be awkward.

He nodded before walking into the kitchen and sitting on one of the bar stools. "Cap wants me to stay until he gets here."

I ignored the confused looks Jamie and Macy continued to send my way.

"What's Kody going to do?" I asked leaning on the other side of the counter.

King pulled out his phone. "He's going to do whatever he's gotta do, I guess." He typed furiously on his screen, purposely not making eye contact with me.

Jamie cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well, it looks like you're in good hands, Ez." He sent me a smile. "We're gonna get outta your hair."

Macy rose from the couch, wrapping her arms around me. "Let me know if your guy get's my phone back. I'm still making payments."

I chuckled, nodding my head before repeating the hugging process with Jamie. "You good?" He asked in a soft voice so that only I could hear.

I nodded subtly. Sure, it was going to be awkward being alone with King. But at least I could corner him.

When they headed out the door, I locked up before turning slowly to King. "So are you going to make it super awkward or do you wanna talk about why you've been dodging my calls?"

He looked up from his phone, his face expressionless.

"I've been avoiding your calls because I already know what you wanted to say"

That irritated me.

I tilted my head to the side. "Okay, King. You're a psychic, what was I going to say?"

His expression didn't waver but his eyes darkened. "You wanted to talk about what happened with Jaxon."

Of course I wanted to talk about what happened with Jaxon. That didn't make him a psychic.

"What did happen, King?"

He shook his head. "This is why I was dodging your calls. Because I don't want to tell you what happened."

I was confused. "I know Jaxon was spreading rumors about me, your not going to hurt my feelings if you tell me."

"Drop it, Ezra."

Since he seemed serious, I dropped it. For now. "You still didn't have to ignore me." I said lightly.

King smirked. "Yeah I did.


Kody was dead. I knew I was dreaming, because Kody was dead and I was still functioning.

King had relayed the news-shot twice in the heart- and I was just calmly asking questions.

Was it Luca?

We're the police on their way?

Was he sure?

There were no expression on my face and my eyes were dry as King explained that Luca had indeed killed the father of my unborn child.

"I told him this gang would be the death of him." I said obnoxiously as I sat in the hospital waiting room.

King shook his head, his expression blank. "It's not a gang, Ezra."

I woke up crying softly, my chest burning. The studio was pitch black. The last thing I remembered, King and I had been watching She's The Man and I had fallen asleep on the couch.

I was in my bed now, with an arm wrapped tightly around me.

Kody was breathing softly against my neck.

Relief washed through me so strongly, that it caused more tears to fall down my face.

When I shifted a bit to rest my arm against him, his eyes shot open and his hold tightened.

"Sorry." I mumbled awkwardly placing my hand against his chest.

"What's wrong." He asked, his voice rough. God really showed out when he created that whole "just woke up" voice for guys.

"Nothing." I said, my face burning in embarrassment. Here I was crying because I had a nightmare like some child.

In the dark, I felt his hand trail away from my waist and make it's way to my face before his thumb brushed over my cheek. "You're fucking crying, Ezra."

I quickly put my hands to my face, laughing and sobbing at the same time because Kody said it as if I didn't know I was crying.

"It's nothing, just the hormones. I had a bad dream."

Kody's fingers trailed to the back of my neck, playing with my hair. "Tell me."

I sighed, I didn't want to tell him. I knew it would upset him. But even if I didn't, I knew he would come to the conclusion by himself. "Luca Romano." I said in a whisper.

His hand didn't falter so I knew he wasn't surprised. "Luca's not going to bother you anymore, Ezra. I promise."

I pursed my lips. I didn't want to tell him that I was more concerned about what Luca would do to him.  "What happened when you went to find him?"

I knew that's what he had been doing.

He sighed, now out of frustration. "He wasn't there. It doesn't matter, he won't touch you."

"Why don't you just give him what he wants?"

What did Luca Romano want?

Kody groaned. "I can't. I don't have what he wants."

And then I asked the question I was dreading the answer to. "So what are you going to do?"

He simply pulled my against him, burying his face in the crook of my neck. "Whatever I have to do."

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