Chapter Twenty Six

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"The brakes. Hit the brakes Ezra." Kody yelled, his hand braced on the door handle.

I slammed on them, stopping inches from the curb I was headed towards. "My bad." I mumbled when my mind cleared. "I didn't see it."

He glared at me, reaching a hand out and tugging the steering wheel to the left. "Pull over at the light, Lewis. Before you kill me."

I rolled my eyes, ignoring the honks I was getting. I straightened the car out, driving past the light and pulling up to a gas station.

"The fucking bumper-"

Kody cut himself off as I once again slammed on the brakes. Before I could even put the car in park, he was pulling the seatbelt off and pushing the door open.

"Get out." He said pointing to me as he walked around the car. I groaned, pulling my seatbelt off as he opened my door.

"You're overreacting." I mumbled. Stomping my feet as I walked to the passenger's side. "I just haven't driven in a while. With some practice-"

He scoffed, taking his seat behind the wheel. "Yeah right. I'm never letting you behind the wheel of my baby again. You almost killed her."

I rolled my eyes. He was such a guy. "Where are we going anyways?"

He sighed. "Let's get something to eat. I want to talk to you."

While he drove, I tried to think of what could have happened last night. Since he hadn't fought, I assumed he hadn't found Beast.

At least I could be thankful for that. As much as I hated Beast, I didn't want Kody fighting him. Plus, I believed heavily in Karma.

Kody pulled up into the same restaurant he had taken me after kidnapping me from the park and I smiled.

He parked the car, walking around to open my door- something I was getting used to- and led us into the restaurant.

We sat at the same table and Kody ordered the same thing. Croissants and a pot of coffee.

I ordered eggs and potatoes with salsa. I was really craving salsa.

I sipped on my water as Kody stared at me.

"I want you to quit your job." He said, calmly pouring coffee into his mug.

I sighed. Here we go again. "I'm not going to do that, Kody." I said trying to stay as calm as he was.

His expression didn't change, it was as if he knew I would say that. "I want you to think about quitting your job."

The waitress came back with our food and I quickly gave that my attention.

Kody was relentless. "I know I said I wouldn't try to control your life, and I'm not. I just think it's a logical step, in light of recent events."

I groaned. "Don't do that, Kody."

He frowned, "Do what? Give a damn about you?"

Clenching my teeth I turned my attention back to my food. Good thing I'd brought my own money because this was going to turn into a Dutch situation quick.

Kody continued ranting. "It's kind of hard not to Ezra. If you weren't so stubborn you'd see that I'm trying to support your wishes and protect you at the same time. Honestly it's driving me fucking crazy."

I dropped my fork. "I didn't ask you to do any of this Kody. I appreciate the concern but I didn't ask for it. And it doesn't give you the right to try to control my life."

"I'm not trying to control your fucking life. Maybe I don't like the fact that some asshole attacked you at your job. Call me a weirdo."

His voice was raising now and people were starting to subtly stare.

"I said I'd take precautions. I'll let Martin walk me to my ride. I'm not going to quit my job."

He rubbed his finger on his temple, a sign that he was frustrated. "That's not the point. It's stupid to take unnecessary risks. You're a single girl who lives alone, working at a place like that. It's dangerous."

I slowly picked my fork back up. "Well, it seems like we're not going to settle this. I said I'd take precautions. I'm not going to live my life in some bubble just because I'm carrying your child."

His fist hit the table hard, causing everyone to turn to us. "It's not just the baby, Ezra."

I froze. "No. We're not doing this right now."

He chuckled dryly. "Come on Lewis. You're not surprised. I'm not too good at hiding it."

I was panicking. Because Kody was gonna do something stupid and ruin the already complicated relationship we had.

"Shut up. You're obviously not in your right mind. I have a question."

Anything to change the subject.

He nodded. "Go ahead. Pretending's not going to change anything. "

"You didn't fight Beast." I said because it's the only question I had for him. "What did happen?"

His jaw clenched. He rested his forearms on the table, leaning towards me.

"Beast is a coward. He called me saying how he didn't see anything until it was too late and then you were attacking him. I called bullshit. He hasn't been to his house. "

I was touched that he had believed me over one of his closest friends but I didn't comment on it. Instead I raised a brow. "And when he does return home?..."

Kody shrugged. "Semantics."

I sighed blowing hair out of my face. "I guess you won't just let bygones be-"

"No." He interrupted and his tone was final. " I don't know why you're hell bent on protecting him. "

Again I kept my mouth shut. Because I wasn't protecting Beast, I could give a damn about Beast.

Kody sighed. "Are you working tonight?"

I swallowed my food, nodding.

His frown deepened, "Damn. They couldn't give you a day off after getting attacked in their fucking parking lot?"

I pushed my plate aside. "I need to work. I have bills Kody."

And since I did have bills, I didn't complain when Kody tossed some money onto the table before standing up. "Fine. I'll drop you off. And I'll pick you up tonight. And I'll have a talk with Martin."

When he gestured for me to leave the table, I sighed.

Kody was a lot of work sometimes.

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