Chapter Fifteen

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AN: I made an Instagram for this account. I'll be posting some things related to this book and memes that people have sent me. Feel free to follow. @edsheeransgurl


Surprisingly, the Sunday crowd at Lucky's was light. There were hardly any teens present and I had a pretty easy day.

The only downside was that I didn't make as much money, but it was fine. I still made more than I would have made at the diner.

Since it was my last day this week, I smiled as I wiped the last table in my section and whistled on my way to clock out.

I was in a good mood.

When I walked outside, Sin was standing there in normal clothes instead of his usual cop wear. He was leaning against a vintage Mustang typing furiously on his phone.

When he looked up and saw me he simply nodded his head towards the passenger door before turning on his heels and heading towards the driver's side.

I sighed. This was going to be awkward.

I slid into the car quickly, not trying to annoy him and buckled myself in.

He didn't even seem to notice me as he continued to smash his fingers along his keyboard. He didn't even turn the car on.

"I don't text and drive." He explained, not taking his eyes off of the screen. "I just need to see why she won't-"

He paused, lifted his gaze and raising his phone before tapping a button. I was curious enough to gaze over my shoulder and see that he was FaceTiming Rory.

When she didn't answer, he groaned tossing his phone into the back seat before quickly starting the engine.

"Sorry about that." He grumbled, backing out of the parking lot and heading towards my house.

"No problem." I mumbled.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the end of our conversation.

"I think-" he broke off , interrupting himself by running his hands through his hair. Then he sighed and continued to drive in silence.

Don't push it. Don't push it.

"What?" I asked only because I hated when people did that. Not because I was nosy.

He chuckled shaking his head. "I think I'm being... Clingy."

To my credit, I didn't laugh. I pursed my lips together to keep from doing so and waited for him to finish.

When we stopped at a red light he turned to me,"So I have this girlfriend, Rory."

I nodded.

"Well, we're sorta doing the whole long distance thing, so we call each other at least every two days and we normally face time. But today she hasn't been answering my calls."

I rolled my eyes. Rory obviously wasn't the best at relationships. If I were hiding a secret from my boyfriend I would definitely have a logical explanation for why I wasn't acting normal. Was she just winging it?

"So you think she wants space?" I asked. I was just stalling so I could decide if I wanted to play mediator or not.

I normally didn't get into other people's relationships, but they were both so clueless that I had a need to help them. Plus, he clearly loved her.

"I don't know. She keeps making excuses but she's terrible at lying. Do you think I should give her some space?"

"Has she told you she needed space?" I asked.

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