Chapter Twenty Seven

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Kody tailed me for the rest of the week. Basically everywhere I went, he went. We went shopping, to the nail salon, out to eat, and to doctors appointments.

The crazy thing wasn't that bad.

It was nice to have somebody to talk to and laugh with all the time. He kept me entertained in situations that would normally be boring for me. And I was an adult with a healthy sex life so the quick lustful looks he sent my way occasionally, didn't hurt.

It was just the reasoning behind his actions that annoyed me.

"Maybe you should ask for some space." Macy said as she fluffed the pillows around my brand new sofa.

I had officially moved into my studio and was throwing a small housewarming party. It was supposed to start at two and I was freaking out.

"I don't really want space." I said filling a bowl with chips. "And I know that it's stupid of me to be getting so...dependent on him."

Macy shook her head. "I don't think so. It's not like you rely on him. It's not a crime to like spending time with him. Cut yourself some slack babe."

I nodded. I had invited Kody to my party. Mostly because I had invited King and Sin. I had grown close with the pair since I spent so much time with Kody.

"So how's it going with the new recruit?" I asked.

Stella wanted to replace me quickly, so she was looking for an emergency pledge. It was a big deal because the girl would have to go through hazing by herself.

Macy groaned. "I can't handle any of the girls Stella is considering. Maybe Rory will join once she transfers. "

I laughed. Rory and Macy had become fast friends when we'd gone to dinner on her last day in Winterbrook.

"Stella would destroy her. And then Sin would destroy Stella."

I wasn't exaggerating. Spending time with them made me woozy. The way he looked at her like he would happily take a bullet for her unnerved me. I definitely wasn't ready for that kind of love.

Macy shrugged in agreement. "I might take Jamie up on his offer."

I paused, turning to her and raising a brow. "To move in with him?"

Again she shrugged, all of a sudden becoming very interested my pillows. "Yeah, it's not so crazy. We've been together a year."

I nodded. I thought it was a good idea. However, I could understand where Macy's fear was coming from. Living together changed people and she and Jamie had a really good thing going.

I could see why she wouldn't want to risk that.

"Stella's going to murder us." I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

She laughed."she shouldn't be so insufferable."

We chatted as we prepared my place. Since it was a small place only a small amount of people were invited.

That included King, Sin and Kody along with Alan,Brett and Jaxon.

From Zeta Phi, only Uriah was coming.

I had thought long and hard about having Jaxon and Kody in the same room. However, Jaxon and I were on really good terms. Plus, we'd been best friends before we tried dating and honestly I wanted my friend back.

I just hoped he didn't say anything stupid in front of Kody that would result in tension.

Uriah showed up first, carting a spice rack topped with a bright red bow.

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