Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: this chapter might have mistakes. Sorry in advance. (There was one funny mistake I remember seeing, but I couldn't find it while editing)

Quick question: do you guys watch Mia Maples on YouTube?? I am obsessed with her. She reminds me of Patricia bright. Those are the only two youtubers that I watch like... religiously.

Sorry for the shift in subject. Enjoy the update.


I didn't think, all plans of escape flew right out of my head. I just went with the flow.

It was stupid really.

Before I could even take a step towards him, his hands were on my face, pulling me up to my toes to meet his lips.

The fire he had started at dinner, erupted. I clutched my hands on the front of his shirt, pulling him closer to me as his lips devoured mine.

I gave him permission without him asking and his tongue slid into my mouth, wrestling with mine for dominance.

This wasn't my first time kissing Kody, but it felt like it was. The first time there had been nothing but heat, and yeah that was great. But this time there was a connection. This time there was history.

As much as I wanted to deny it, this time there was feelings.

His hand slid through my hair, the other one going to my waist and guiding me back into the bathroom.

I heard the door close as Kody lifted me, resting me on the countertop.

My dress had ridden up and his hands were following the trail, wrapping around my thighs and pulling me closer to him.

Our centers connecting. Oh boy.

I pulled my lips from his, my hands going to the bottom of his shirt and tugging it out of his waistline.

I ran my hands up his torso, simultaneously pulling him closer to me. His body was insanely warm and it made me realize how cold I was even though my blood was on fire.

His lips went to my throat, placing a trail of kisses from my chin to my collarbone. If there had been someone in the bathroom, my moans would have given us away immediately.

While I fumbled with his belt, Kody trailed his lips back up to my ear before catching my ear lobe in between his teeth.

"Fuck." I moaned, my hands freezing.

"I'm not going to fuck you in the bathroom." Kody said, a little breathlessly.

I wasn't really paying attention because he still had my earlobe between his teeth while his hands trailed up my body.

"What are you doing?" I asked out of frustration.

He released me. "I don't fucking know. But I'm not fucking you in a bathroom."

It was probably for the best. It didn't stop me from blushing. I was pretty sure every inch of my body was red.

Kody sighed, leaning his forehead against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"We're gonna fuck this kid up." I whispered.

His expression didn't change. His eyes drifted closed. "Why do you say that?"

I chuckled dryly. "Because we're stupid. And we're still ruled by our hormones." I smiled, scooting off of the counter. "At least I have an excuse."

He pulled his bottom lip into his mouth, stirring me up all over again. "Touché."

He backed up, allowing me to set my feet on the floor.

"You wanna act like this didn't happen?" He asked in a low voice.

I shrugged. "There's no point in pretending. We need to deal with the facts."

He tilted his head to the side crossing his arms, waiting for me to continue.

I continued. "We obviously have an attraction to each other, we just need to get over it."

He nodded. "And how do we do that?" He asked, he sounded skeptical.

Hell if I knew.

"Let me tell you something, Kody. I am annoying as hell. Hang out with me for a few days and you won't want your dick anywhere near me."

He laughed. "I already knew you were annoying. It didn't stop me from fucking you the first time. And now I know what your packing under your clothes. "

I nodded. "I'm blushing." I said sarcastically. "Back to my point, you don't have any idea how annoying I actually am. But you'll find out. On thanksgiving."

This was either a really dumb idea or a genius one. Knowing me, it was dumb.

Kody shook his head. "So what, you think you can annoy me out of your pants." He chuckled. "Well if any body could do it..."

I didn't take offense. "I just think if you got to know me better, you wouldn't be attracted to me that way."

He didn't seem convinced.

I continued. "And if after thanksgiving we still have this...tension, than we'll figure out something else. You wanted me at your house and I wanted to get to know you, either way we both win. "

There. A speech, ladies and gentleman.


The next day at school, Jaxon came up to me. I was at the cafe, smelling the coffee and drooling when he walked up behind me, lightly tapping my shoulder.

I spun around clenching my teeth when I saw him standing there with a smile and two steaming cups of coffee.

I wanted that damn coffee.

"Hey, babe." He said with a bright smile, handing me
one of the cups.

I reached for it, pretending to take a sip- almost giving in and taking a real one. I knew I could have a small amount of caffeine but I was like an addict. If I got a sip, I would want a jug.

"Jaxon, what's up?" I asked. I hadn't spoken to him since the bar. That hadn't been a good experience.

"I just wanted to talk to you." He said walking in step with me. "To apologize."

I raised a brow. "For what?"

He stared me down. "You know exactly why. Why do you have to be like this?"

I shrugged, taking a absent minded sip of my coffee. Like a fucking idiot.

"Ah, shit." I groaned pulling the cup back. "Damn it Jax."

He looked confused. "Is it bad coffee?" He took a quick sip of his. "What?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, here." I handed him the cup. "I don't want to do this with you Jaxon. I already said we could go back to being friends. You were a good one. But that's all."

He stared at me, attempting to see if I could be convinced otherwise. "Friends for now." He said finally.

I sighed, continuing on my path. "You're going to be disappointed. "

In truth, even without my pregnancy, I wouldn't have gotten back together with Jaxon. He had broken my heart, and it was already damaged to begin with.

But I allowed him to walk me to my next class, smiling up at him and grabbing my cup for one more sip as we walked.

Because he was still one of my best friends.

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