Chapter Nineteen

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I woke up on Halloween sick as a dog.

I had a splitting headache and dry mouth. As soon as I opened my eyes, I ran to the toilet, emptying my stomach.


Macy followed soon after, a frown on her face and a glass of water in her hands. "Uh oh." She said in a tired voice.

I groaned. She was right. Uh oh indeed.

I had a big party to be at today. The biggest party of the year actually. And if I wasn't dressed in my revealing outfit and handing out test tube shots then Stella was going to yank my head right off of my neck.
  morning sickness." I finished in a lower tone.

Macy seemed to believe me as she took a seat next to me on the cold bathroom floor. "Can I see your stomach?"

I sent her a bewildered look. Was she serious? "Read the room, Macy." I groaned.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall, trying to will my sickness away.

All of a sudden I felt Macy's warm fingers on my stomach, lifting my shirt.

"Hey!" I shouted, glaring at her.

She sent me a beaming smile. "Wow, there's not even a small pudge. Are you sure you're even pregnant."

I took deep breaths, trying not to get annoyed. "Kiss my ass."

I forced myself to get up and brush my teeth before showering, changing into normal clothes and resting in my bed fully dressed.

I felt terrible. I didn't want to do any of the things Stella had planned for the day and there was no excuse I could give to get out of my duties.

Anthony hadn't gotten back to me about the apartment so I couldn't afford to be on Stella's bad side right now.

Macy walked into the room with a bright smile and a glass of orange juice. "How are we doing Ezzie?"

I raised a brow. "You're being awfully nice, Macy. What's the catch?"

She pouted, setting the juice on my nightstand. "I'm just being a good friend, believe it or not. I also owe you some spoiling. "

I remembered the deal we had made when she had gotten drunk at the bar. I was still suspicious. I narrowed my eyes.

She groaned. "Okayyy... Stella called a meeting. It seems serious. "

I closed my eyes.

"You gotta get up babe." Macy finished.

With what can only be described as a whimper, I rolled over until I slid off of the bed and onto the carpet. Then, summoning all of my strength, I pushed myself to my feet. I stared at Macy with a miserable expression. "I'm going to hurl at this meeting."

She laughed. "I sure hope not. Because if you do, your ass is out of here."

She wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leading me down the stairs.

All of the members of Zeta Phi were crowded into the living room of the huge house. There were twenty five of us, which was pretty small for a sorority but Winterbrook was small. Plus, Stella was picky.

Once everyone was settled down, Stella called the meeting to order.

"Girls, as you know, today is Halloween. I know we always do a huge party for Halloween, but this year, I wanted to do something different. "

That caught my attention. There was no way Stella was going to skip out on throwing a Halloween party. It was all she had talked about all week. We had planned to throw a Halloween party.

"Well, Alpha Phi Nu is putting on a haunted mansion party and they want our help. Since everyone is obviously going to go to that party I decided we would join." She looked to Blake, her second in command.

The blonde nodded her head excitedly. "I agree. It's better to throw a joint party, than a dud. Zeta Phi can not suffer the embarrassment."

Macy nudged me. "Today is not your day."

I simply nodded. It wasn't too bad. Sure Jaxon would be there, but he and I had been on friendlier terms lately. I just didn't feel well enough to get into it all with Macy. So I let her think what she wanted.

Stella started listing off names and jobs that we would have and I held my breath.

"Macy, your going to be with Pepper and Bria." Stella  said sending me a smirk. "Ezra, you're going to be with me."

I stared at her. Was I supposed to be intimidated? Did she think I cared?

After calling the meeting to end, everyone broke off into their groups. I was stuck with Stella, Charlotte, and Uriah.

Charlotte was a long limbed Asian girl with a bubbly personality. She was super devoted to Stella and did anything she asked without complaint.

Uriah was a Native girl with long thick hair and a dry humor that left you confused if she was laughing with you or at you. I gravitated towards her.

"You look like death." Was the first thing she said to me as we headed towards her car.

I smirked, sliding into the backseat. "I feel like it." I said, leaning my head against the window.

"That's actually on brand considering Stella is going to turn us into sexy zombies and ghouls." Uriah
said, wiggling her fingers dramatically.

I sighed. I would kill to not have to do anything tonight. I was seriously considering just blurting out the truth and going home.

The only problem was if Stella knew the truth, I wouldn't have a home to go to.

We pulled up outside of a house I wasn't familiar with. We had driven a little ways outside of Winterbrook and I wasn't sure of my surroundings.

There was a large house sat in the middle of miles of trees. A huge driveway led us to an old creepy door made of wood.

"Alpha Phi Nu definitely pulled out all of the stops. " Uriah mumbled as we walked inside the silent house.

The driveway was empty. I assumed we were the first ones there.

The inside of the house was decorated scantily. Fake spider webs hung from the ceiling and dust covered every wood surface.

Stella scoffed, "The dust is a bit much."

I took in the aspects of the house, looking around. There had to be at least a dozen rooms.

I wandered through a couple of the rooms taking note on which decorations would look good where.
When I entered a room near the back of the house, I noticed the creepiest thing.

There was a huge window, looking out into the large open backyard.

The trees hung over the top of the window, scratching against it. It reminded me of the long fingers witches had in all of the scary books I read as a child.

All of a sudden I was frightened, my heart pounding in my chest. I quickly turned, trying to meet back with the group when I felt hands grabbing me.


I swung out, raking my fingers down his face with a scream, before I realized it was Jaxon.

"Shit." He groaned, bringing his hands to his face. "I guess I shouldn't try to scare you."

I punched him in the shoulder. "What the hell is wrong with you? You almost gave me a heart attack."

He laughed, like he didn't have two shallow lacerations running down his face. "Hate to say it, but you scream like a girl."

I gravitated towards immature people it seemed.

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