Chapter Twenty Eight

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Me trying to decide if I want to write smut in this book ⬇️

Me trying to decide if I want to write smut in this book ⬇️

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Jaxon stood me up.

I couldn't decide if I was happy or disappointed and Kody didn't give me much time to dwell on it. From the minute he'd walked inconspicuously through the door he'd monopolized all of my attention.

When all of our friends went home, he stayed to help me clean up. And to keep my emotions on the fritz.

He rinsed dishes at the sink as I swept all of the chips off of my floor. I thought it would be awkward, but it actually felt pretty natural and that had me worried.

I knew I was being a pussy by pushing him away, but I needed to protect myself. I'd been in love before and it turned me into an idiot, I never wanted to give a man that kind of power over me again.

Kody slammed the door to the dishwasher closed before turning to face me. "So, you still talk to Jaxon?"

I dumped the trash in the bin. "Occasionally." I answered after awhile, deciding to go with the truth.

I was sure someone had blabbed about Jaxon making an appearance.

"Occasionally?" He dried his hands before running them through his hair impatiently. "What does that mean?"

I shrugged wishing I had sprung for a one bedroom so that I could make a quick escape. "I occasionally talk to him." I cleared my throat before adding,"We're friends. "

He nodded. "Friends huh?"

I nodded deciding to fluff my sofa pillows again. "You don't have to make it sound like a dirty word, Kody. I can be friends with someone I was with." I sent him a pointed look as if to say 'look at us'

He tilted his head to the side, his eyes watching me dangerously. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

He knew exactly what it was supposed to mean.

I tried to change the subject because Kody had an unsettling glint in his eye. "What made you think I still spoke to him anyway?"

At least I would know who snitched me out.

He shrugged, "Macy said something about you expecting him tonight. What are you guys trying to mend fences?"

I rolled my eyes. Dammit Macy. "I'm not trying to mend anything with Jaxon. We were friends before we can be friends now."

"Does Jaxon know that?" He asked walking up to me and snatching the pillow I had been fidgeting with out of my hands.

I chewed my lip. "I'm pretty sure." I mumbled nervous now that he was standing within reach of me.

He tossed the pillow onto the couch without looking to make sure it landed correctly. "Be damn sure Ezra."

His voice was low and his gaze was locked into my lips which caused involuntary shivers to run up my spine.

"Don't start with this Kody." I said trying to take every ounce of sexual frustration out of my tone.

The words went in one ear and out the other.

"Be sure that Jaxon-" he said his name like he was trash. "-knows you're not on the market. He made a dumbass mistake, I'll be damned if he gets another chance."

I wanted to run away, but my stubbornness made me stay put and lift my chin in challenge. "I'll say if I'm off the market or not."

I knew this was going to happen. When I'd allowed him to stay after and help me clean up I knew where it would lead. And I was right, this was a whole different thing with feelings involved.

The problem was I had just been thinking about my feelings which was bad enough. Adding in Kody's feelings made it impossible.

It was going to end in flames.

He grabbed me, his hands wrapping around the tops of my arms pulling me against him.

It sent a lightening bolt straight to my center and I had to chew on my lip to keep myself focused on what he was saying.

"If you want to see other people, you'd better say something right now." He growled and I couldn't help but take his words as a threat.

I didn't want to see other people. I just wasn't ready to take that relationship step with Kody. I wanted to think about the pros and the cons and have time to ponder. Yet here he was putting his feelings on a platter and forcing me to accept them.

I didn't say anything, instead my gaze went to his lips and I got real dumb.

I leaned forward before I could help myself, latching my lips to his. The moment they touched I knew this time would be different.

My stomach clenched as his hands automatically fisted in my hair pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck standing on the tips of my toes.

The kiss was different  than the one in the restaurant and that was saying something. That had been hot  and satisfying but this kiss was obsessive.

Kody possessed my thoughts with his lips as we fought for dominance.

I saw stars as his teeth lightly scraped over my lips before going to my neck and nearly blinding me in ecstasy.

When I lifted my hands to remove my shirt he beat me to it, tugging the thin tank top loose from my waistband and and over my head in seconds flat.

Before I could even react he had me in his arms his mouth going back to mine as he led us to the bed.

Any objections I had about thinking logically went out the window. I wanted him, then and there.

He lowered us to the bed our lips never disconnecting. His lips were soft which contradicted beautifully with the roughness of his five o'clock shadow.

One of my hands left his neck and trailed up his torso.

I'd always admired Kody's physique, and at the moment I wanted my mouth over every inch of him.

I moaned his name when his mouth trailed to my neck and then to my collar bone.

He was killing me.

My core ached as I pushed myself against him.

I felt his lips curve in a smile before he moved them up until they where hovering above my ear. "Be sure Ezra."

When I just moaned he pulled back, his eyes darkening.

"Give me words."

I tried to tighten my grip but he didn't budge, I groaned in frustration. "Fuck, I want you Kody."

He didn't need more than that.

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